The moment has no time.

The surest poison is time.

Nothing is ours except time.

Getting it done is my reward.

I took some time out for life.

The time I kill is killing me.

Time brings all things to pass.

Time is a perishable commodity.

Make a good use of the present.

A day may sink or save a realm.

Priority is a function of context.

Nothing is swifter than our years.

Time is the supreme Law of nature.

Time is the devourer of all things.

He who gains time gains everything.

...Every moment is the right moment.

Time management is really important.

To fill the hour──that is happiness.

Time management is really key for me.

Time is the wisest of all counselors.

Time is the school in which we learn.

What we love to do we find time to do.

Time is the fairest and toughest judge.

There's time enough, but none to spare.

By the time we've made it, we've had it.

Time is the only commodity that matters.

Time management is the mantra of my life.

Eternity! thou pleasing, dreadful thought.

Time is that in which all things pass away.

Never waste any time you can spend sleeping.

Life is Time Management and then you're dead.

When the time is right, you just got to do it.

We are time's subjects, and time bids be gone.

I always say 'Don't make plans, make options'.

Time and the hour run through the roughest day.

Planning is bringing the future into the present.

If you are too busy to exercise, you are too busy.

Time is the moving imago of the unmoving eternity.

Clock watchers never seem to be having a good time.

You can have it all, just not all at the same time.

A few fat files are better than a lot of thin ones.

Time is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire.

There is only now. And look! How rich we are in it!

I've actually not read any books on time management.

It's about focusing on the fight and not the fright.

Time will take your money, but money won't buy time.

Time management is a big part of the director's job.

Time is the most precious element of human existence.

Well-timed silence is the most commanding expression.

We are condemned to kill time, thus we die bit by bit.

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