The first time I went to New York, I met Alan Freed.

Growing up on a set is completely different than coming onto a brand new set for the first time.

I didn't actually begin photographing, or even visit New York, for the first time until I was 26.

When I came for the first time to the United States, visiting, I was absolutely fascinated by New York.

I did a one-off episode of 'The New Normal' for Ryan Murphy, and that was the first time I played a gay role.

Everything is new about 'Siruthai.' This is the first time I'm playing a dual role - a thief and a police officer!

I really enjoyed working on the 2009 film, 'Aliens in the Attic,' because it was shot in New Zealand and I got to visit there for the first time.

First time we played in New York was in 2013. It was all very eye-opening. A very bright lights, big-city sort of vibe, and we played the Mercury Lounge.

I had never worked in television before 'Freaks and Geeks,' and 'New Girl' is the first time since that I've worked on a series that is actually a series and not just a pilot.

I'd like to do Harvey again. I did it two years ago with Helen Hayes in New York. It was a joy. I was so glad to do it again because I never thought I did it right the first time.

Book reviewing dates only to the eighteenth century, when, for the first time, there were so many books being printed that magazines - they were new, too - started printing essays about them.

The first time I heard 'Sharknado,' I thought it was a late-night infomercial for a new vacuum cleaner. Could have swore I ordered one once. Then I found out what it was and remembered that I grew up reading the 'Sharknado' novels.

My first time actually appearing in a match at SummerSlam was 2010, and I was wrestling against Rey Mysterio in the opening match of the show. I was pretty brand new as Dolph Ziggler, and obviously Rey Mysterio was a well known superstar.

My plan was I just knew, I think the first time I was in a high school play, and I liked the feeling of that. Getting on the stage and entertaining and audience. Eventually, I went to New York and studied my craft, and I was in school for two years in the same class with Joanne Woodward and Steve McQueen.

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