If I have the opportunity, a massage or facial is a great way to take a little 'me time.'

I wanted to play in the Premier League and Bolton offered me that opportunity at that time and that was why I signed for Bolton.

I don't look at polls. It's about results. And every single time that people have had an opportunity to vote for me, we've been on top.

For me, moving is always a big opportunity. It's just a enough of a shift in outlook that every time I move, it seems to open something up.

I could never just look at a meal as a time to refuel. For me it's an opportunity to accomplish something. To connect, to teach, to share values.

I am grateful for the willingness of both Jurgen Klinsmann and Everton manager Roberto Martinez to afford me the opportunity to spend time with my kids.

I am fortunate that people have given me the opportunity and confidence to go all out and have fun with the characters I play, and try something new each time.

I waited for the opportunity to be invited to play for the national team of Nigeria, and immediately, they found me worthy; I did not waste time to honour the call.

Time is a finite resource that you can't get back. I have the same 24 hours you have, and you get the same 24 hours as me. As you rise, so does you chance for opportunity.

It was an exciting time for me personally because the number of times I've been to the playoffs, that was the opportunity to obtain the first ring. That was special, that's for sure.

As I move on to the professional stage of my career, I will always remember my time as a Jayhawk. Playing here has prepared me for the opportunity to have a successful career in the NBA.

Last year when I was playing for Hamphsire, Delhi Capitals asked me if I was interested in playing for them. I took my time and I thought it's an opportunity for me to learn something new. To take my game forward, to take my T20 game forward.

It doesn't really matter to me whether you start or not. I play a lot of fourth quarters. I think that's what's most important to me. I think that's what I've always cared about, just having an opportunity to finish games when it's really winning time.

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