I don't like idle time.

Greatness is contagious.

I love hooping. I love competing.

I've had very supportive teammates.

I always thought I was a good shooter.

I didn't even care where I was drafted.

This is the NBA, anybody can beat anybody.

I wouldn't call myself a real point guard.

As I get older I'm seeing the game clearer.

I'm not easily influenced by a lot of people.

Coming off the bench was an adjustment for me.

I want a real opportunity to win a championship.

The Rockets paid a healthy price for Chris Paul.

I'm a creature of habit. I don't really like change.

I don't really focus on the guy that's defending me.

I've never been a follower, but I've been an admirer.

Never give up. That's my Clippers story, never give up.

I like to lead by example. I like to lead by my actions.

I would love to start if a coach considered me as a starter.

I've always had a maturity level different than guys my age.

I realize the responsibility of being a starting point guard.

When it comes down to playoff basketball, it's attention to detail.

When people treat you well, you just want to transfer it back over.

Music was a big part of my family with gatherings, picnics, barbecues.

If you hit me, I'm gonna try to shoot the ball and get two free throws.

You know what, Kawhi talks the most in our group chat. The dude is a leader.

Any time you make a basketball team you have the opportunity to be successful.

When you're losing that tends to kind of build the character of everybody together.

I just challenge the big guys and attack them, and use my quickness to my advantage.

I've always said to my teammates that 'two points is two points, whether it's yours or mine.'

Kobe Bryant is a walking stat himself. He doesn't have to explain what he brings to the table.

I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee. Big time blues and music city. It's always been in my bloodline.

I don't make a decision till I see fit. That's why I'm so effective. My mind isn't predetermined.

Some guys like to eat two or three different times a day before the game. I eat once, and that's it.

I'm kind of arrogant and cocky when I play... It's kind of weird. It's like I have split personalities.

It's one of those things I have been able to do - play well with my teammates and getting others involved.

I enjoyed my time in Houston but it was short-lived and it really didn't make a huge impression on my life.

In the summertime you'll find me back home in Atlanta, in the gym playing against whoever walks in that day.

What AI was able to do at his size, with the teams that he had was remarkable, you can't take that from him.

I watched myself get drafted by myself. I walked out of my own draft party because I was a little frustrated.

Once you start going out putting expectation levels on yourself, you lose the concept of trying to win the game.

I'm an Atlanta guy. I think Philly knows that. But I've adopted Philly as my second home, and they've embraced me.

Every time I'd ever stepped on a basketball court, AAU, middle school, high school, I always thought about the NBA.

Obviously, Ray Allen is a huge threat, Eddie House coming off the bench is a huge threat, as far as three-pointers go.

You have all the ambition of winning a championship and competing in your hometown. For me, it didn't work out that way.

Even though I've been tagged as a scorer and a guy who shoots a lot, I'm a guy that makes the best plays that I possibly can.

When you play in Toronto you feel like you're playing overseas. We can't wait to go on the road sometimes just to be in America.

A guy tried to rob me but decided not to because of whatever I do in the community. He's a Lou Williams fan, so he didn't rob me.

I've always been a guy to try to create contact; create scoring opportunities based off the free throw line and being aggressive in that way.

Repetitions - I think that's one of the best ways during the season to maintain something or get better at it, is just to do it over and over.

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