Every time you walk down the street people are screaming, 'You're fired!'

You got to be willing to walk in a storm. That's what I tell people all the time.

I seem to disappoint people a bit. They want the full regalia - but I don't walk around in a corset the whole time.

Every president learns in the course of your time in office, but the American people have the right to expect that you walk in the door prepared for the job.

I do think the moral line you walk all the time about putting something in for the sake of the film and not being affected by people's lives is a very tough one.

Some people take certain things and they try to forget what that pain felt like. I don't. I take that same pain and I chase it every time I walk in a weight room.

We can walk and chew gum at the same time. Yes, the American people want us to legislate, they want us to insist on furthering their set of values, but they also want us to resist and exercise our oversight powers.

Obviously, when you walk into a room and see people like Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman and Charles Martin Smith behind the camera, it's big time. You just try not to think about it, try and keep up, hold on for the ride.

You know the phrase 'Jesus laughed' isn't ever used in the Gospels. So, most people walk away with the idea that Jesus is a pretty serious guy, pretty sour faced most of the time, pretty upset at what's going on around Him.

Any time I claimed to be white, that would be unacceptable. It just doesn't make sense in people's minds. If I'm white, how can I walk through a department store and still have people scared that I'm going to rob them? Which, that can still happen.

People are always like, 'It must be so hard for you, not to be able to leave your house. I'm like, 'No, I go where I want and do whatever I want all the time.' 'No, you walk down the street?' 'Yeah, I do all the time.' 'Really?' 'Yeah, all the time.'

The time to hurry is in between shots. It's not over the shot. It's timing how people walk. You have to add that to the equation. If you've got somebody walking slow and they get up to the shot and take their 20 seconds, what's the aggregate time for them to hit that shot in between shots? That's what really matters. It's not the shot at hand.

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