I would say about 90 per cent of drunken idiots in comedy clubs wear ties, particularly in London where I work most of the time.

Well, to aspiring writers, I would tell them that we live in a wonderful time where you're able to make your work visible, easily.

I think every time you work with another collaborator, there's an adjustment process where you figure out the other person's strengths, and that has definitely happened for me.

So when I went to Arista, I had a period of writing where I suddenly was unrestricted. I wasn't writing for a band for the first time. It opened up a whole other arena for me to work within.

During election time, I work over 21 hours. My day starts around 6 A.M., and I address meetings through the day. Between 10 P.M. and 2 A.M., I meet local leaders, where we discuss local issues and local problems.

I get asked a lot about players like Lionel Messi and Neymar and people seem to have the idea that they don't do any work because they have a God-given talent. That is just not true, they work all the time, they are totally dedicated and that's why they are where they are.

It's a spectacular signal. It's a signal many of us have wanted to observe since the time LIGO was proposed. It shows the dynamics of objects in the strongest gravitational fields imaginable, a domain where Newton's gravity doesn't work at all, and one needs the fully non-linear Einstein field equations to explain the phenomena.

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