Chicago Cubs fans are ninety percent scar tissue.

The dignity of man was everywhere tissue-paper thin.

like any Irish mother, I am scar tissue to the bone.

Experience is never limited, and it is never complete

I have daddy issues. So I keep tissues on me at all times.

I'm less interested in skin than in fascia -- connective tissue.

we know our end A packet of worm-seed, a garden of spent tissues.

Forensics had taught her that scars left tissue much tougher than skin.

A mechanical encounter or other energy-exchange may cause tissue damage.

Happiness is not a noun or a verb. It's a conjunction. Connective tissue.

If you have the material it will form itself as a kind of connective tissue.

World communism is like [a] malignant parasite which feeds on diseased tissue

The text is a tissue of quotations drawn from the innumerable centres of culture.

If you use Hollywood as the test tissue for mankind, what could the prognosis be?

Scar Tissue is the only book Ive ever written when Ive felt completely toxic, ill.

We should be sensitive to the thread of silence from which the tissue of speech is woven.

The Spirit of God, I realized, is exhaustless Bliss; His body is countless tissues of light.

Every 30 seconds a patient dies from diseases that could be treated with tissue replacement.

[P]rogressivism is a top-down, continent-wide tissue of taxes, mandates, and other coercions.

Shiatsu, deep-tissue or maybe even Rolfing: Which manner of pummeling becomes a cephalopod most?

If every man could act as he chose, the whole of history would be a tissue of disconnected accidents.

I probably carry more scar tissue on my derrière than any other candidate-that's political scar tissue.

Mr. Watras asked me whether I was practicing, and I told him I was practicing my tissue basketball skills.

To learn new habits is everything, for it is to reach the substance of life. Life is but a tissue of habits.

Acting is like painting pictures on bathroom tissues. Ten minutes later you throw them away and they are gone.

The significant chemicals of living tissue are rickety and unstable, which is exactly what is needed for life.

Energy experts have announced the development of a new fuel made from human brain tissue. It's called assohol.

When we perfect 3-D copiers and they reproduce tissue, we'll have a million Marilyns walking around with no souls.

Even when we lose an arm or a leg, there's not less of us but more. Human experience weighs more than human tissue.

Proteins are the machinery of living tissue that builds the structures and carries out the chemical reactions necessary for life.

With Charles Woods, it was the first time I had ever seen tissue from a dead person used to save a human life. It piqued my curiosity.

Privilege, you see, is one of the great adversaries of the imagination; it spreads a thick layer of adipose tissue over our sensitivity.

Just as your physical body is composed of tissue, organs, bones, and different parts, so your subtle physical body has many different parts.

The Spirit could not create matter as anything different from Itself, for it had only Itself as the tissue or material with which to build the cosmos.

I surprised myself, that I was in the tissue of the character enough, that I could actually come up with something that I didn't actually feel or didn't believe.

Only thru a mucus-free diet can we expect to eliminate the accumulation of waste and obstructions deposited in the body tissues during a lifetime of wrong eating.

Saying his name stabbed my heart, like someone had ripped through my carefully stitched up world and exposed the infected, pulsing red tissue that I thought was healing.

Drinking water is like washing out your insides. The water will cleanse the system, fill you up, decrease your caloric load and improve the function of all your tissues.

I did help to set up an undergraduate course in medicinal chemistry and made progress in modelling and analysing pharmacological activity at the tissue level, my new passion.

The world thus appears as a complicated tissue of events, in which connections of different kinds alternate or overlap or combine and thereby determine the texture of the whole.

Osteopath--One who argues that all human ills are caused by the pressure of hard bone upon soft tissue. The proof of his theory isto be found in the heads of those who believe it.

If I do hit that rope and do a hop, skip and a jump and get up as high as I can, I'm just going to hold my breath, because I know i'm going to hear all kinds of scar tissue popping.

Curiously, the one bodily fluid of other people that doesn't disgust us is the one produced by the human alone: tears. Consider the sole type of used tissue you'd be willing to share.

The 'good food' is...the food of the Word of God, for as food builds up the tissues of the body, repairs waste, and preserves us in health, so the Word of God is the complete food of the soul.

Although we tend to think of the brain as a discrete organ - a lump of squidgy tissue - it is better to think of it as part of an elaborate network of nervous tissue that reaches out to every single part of the body.

I had a few fibroids removed, and they left me with a Grand Canyon of scar tissue in my uterus. The doctors weren't sure I'd be able to reproduce. I was prepared for a rough road, and then out of nowhere we conceived.

[The popular impression about some chemists is that] the aquafortis and the chlorine of the laboratories have as effectually bleached the poetry out of them, as they destroy the colours of tissues exposed to their action.

Toxins love to get you while you're young. Lead, mercury, secondhand smoke and sundry other environmental nasties do a lot more damage when tissue is immature, vulnerable and growing than when it's mature and comparatively fixed.

At birth, we are like cartilage - soft, flexible tissue. By the same natural process by which cartilage becomes hard bone, the soft, tender heart of an innocent child can become hardened by the circumstances into which she is born.

End-stage liver disease refers to a liver that's failing, and a very high percentage of those livers are what we call cirrhotic, or the patient's liver has become cirrhotic, and what cirrhosis is, is the scarring of the liver tissue.

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