We got to the moon.

I'd like to go to the Moon.

Go to the moon - that's my dream.

Believe it or not, I'd love to go to the moon.

I want to get to the moon. I want to go to Mars.

I would still like to go to the moon before I die.

We'll go back to the moon by not learning anything new.

If we can send a man to the moon, then why don't we send a woman?

It was an incredible series, 'From The Earth To The Moon.' All of it's great.

America can take man to the moon, and America can take men to Mars - and beyond.

You can send women to the Moon or Mars later. First, provide sanitary pads to them.

If they could offer up a way to go to the moon that wouldn't kill you, I'd sign up.

We knew it was going to be difficult to get to the moon. We didn't know how difficult.

When other boys dreamt of going to the moon or becoming doctors, I wanted to be a designer.

Drag me to the moon, to catch a star and seize its brilliance as I'm swept up in amorphous dust.

I played in 'From the Earth to the Moon,' working with Tom Hanks. He is a great guy, very smart.

Going to the moon was a fable. Resetting aging is a fable, but that's what we're setting out to do.

I have long been fond of comparing Workday strategy to the process of sending a rocket to the moon.

In the '20s they were telling us we'd all have our own private plane and take vacations to the moon.

Well, I don't think we should go to the moon. I think we maybe should send some politicians up there.

Redirecting sunlight on the earth to the moon gives you enough light so that all of humanity can see.

I ended up going to Harvard College, which was about as likely in my neighborhood as going to the moon.

Sending a couple of guys to the Moon and bringing them back safely? That's a stunt! That's not historic.

It's like the first man to go to the moon, I will be the first man to run under two hours, this is crucial.

I respect John Kennedy for saying that he had a dream that we'd go to the moon before the end of the decade.

If you're going to go to the moon, you don't shoot the rocket right at the moon. You have to go at it obliquely.

Google X is here to do moonshot-type projects. Not just shooting to the moon, but bringing the moon back to Earth.

I'm not particularly impressed with going 50 miles per gallon. That doesn't impress me when we can go to the moon.

I don't think the space station is innovative. Going to the moon was innovative because we had no idea how to do it.

I remember reading about Mae Jemison, that astronaut. That was immensely fantastic to me. This woman went to the moon!

Most people never believed in the real possibility of going to the moon, and neither did I until I was in my twenties.

Apparently, we've been to the moon in 1969, 1970. We've been there six times, I don't believe a word of it. Some people do.

I was 11 when I first said I wanted to become an actress, and everyone looked at me as if I had said I wanted to go to the moon.

Years of science fiction have produced a mindset that it is human destiny to expand from Earth, to the Moon, to Mars, to the stars.

Every one of today's smartphones has thousands of times more processing power than the computers that guided astronauts to the moon.

In a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon it will be an entire nation. For all of us must work to put him there.

The puzzle of 'To the Moon' is both elegant and memorable. Take a few hours and try to solve it. The pieces fit together oh so nicely.

The Chinese are planning a manned mission to the moon sometime after 2020, and subsequently, to Mars. The U.S. has abandoned that dream.

In a way, J.F.K. was the high point of the American dream. In order to go to the moon and back, all we did was say we could - and we did.

I used to joke that I wanted to go to the moon, but I actually do. Like, some day I think I'm going to go to the moon. That would be cool.

When President Kennedy challenged Americans to go to the moon, the question wasn't whether we'd get there, it was only when we'd get there.

How can you say that Neil Armstrong went up to the moon in a little spaceship just for the craic but another planet can't send someone here?

It is practically certain that sometime during 1958, either the Russians or we, and most likely both, are going to shoot a rocket to the moon.

You could take me anywhere. You could take me to the moon, and believe me, everybody's going to try to take a trip to the moon to watch me fight.

We didn't go to the moon to explore or because it was in our DNA or because we're Americans. We went because we were at war and we felt a threat.

I'm happy here on the surface of the earth. If space travel ever got to be as simple as jet travel today, yeah, I'd take a jet flight to the moon.

Kennedy had made a mess in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. He had to do something to look good. The Apollo program of going to the Moon was quite a goal.

Mars is a long ways away. The moon is only 240,000 miles, but Mars is in the millions. It's too risky without spending more time going to the moon.

It is time to declare that the goal of the United States in space is the settlement of the solar system, from low Earth orbit to the Moon and Mars.

What if Picasso had gone to the Moon? Or Andy Warhol or Michael Jackson or John Lennon? What about Coco Chanel? These are all artists that I adore.

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