Well, my definition of a tragedy is a clash between right and right.

For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

A broken heart is never a tragedy. Only untimely death is a tragedy.

But the way I see it, dying without knowing love would be a tragedy.

Fischer is an American Chess tragedy on par with Morphy and Pillsbury

Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically.

Comedy is tragedy plus time, but the time is different for everybody.

I think if you understand your role, comedy won't create any tragedy.

For this is the tragedy of man circumstances change, but he does not.

I think that sometimes only comedians can reach the peaks of tragedy.

Untangling Christmas lights is the true tragedy of 'Stranger Things.'

In tragedy every moment is eternity; in comedy, eternity is a moment.

When one man dies it is a tragedy, when thousands die it's statistics.

Tragedy brings us closer to ourselves - it's the only thing that does.

When you close your eyes to tragedy, you close your eyes to greatness.

The bad end unhappily, the good unluckily. That is what tragedy means.

One of the tragedies of our life is that we keep forgetting who we are

The way you get through tragedy is to look at the good things in life.

I learned you could suffer a terrible tragedy and still be happy again.

To live two days in succession on the same spiritual plane is a tragedy

Life is a tragedy, one way or another. What is certain is that you die.

Somebody said that I am the last American living the tragedy of Europe.

The greatest tragedy of the family is the unlived lives of the parents.

Vegas means comedy, tragedy, happiness and sadness all at the same time.

The tragedy of the poor is that they can afford nothing but self denial.

You can be sure that the American spirit will prevail over this tragedy.

The tragedy of growing old is not that one is old but that one is young.

The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.

History is moving, and it will tend toward hope, or tend toward tragedy.

The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.

Truly it it not the tragedies that destroy us, but the memories of them.

I trained in Shakespeare, and that's all comedy, even when it's tragedy.

A tragedy, when a mature mind and a romantic heart are in the same body.

When the systems we expect to help us actually hurt us, we have tragedy.

The greatest tragedy of human existence is the illusion of separateness.

The tragedy of sexual intercourse is the perpetual virginity of the soul.

Usually when tragedy is present, a great art movement is right behind it.

Lord, spit on our eyes that we may see, how to wake up from this tragedy.

The tragedy of journalism is that these are people doing their best work.

The greatest tragedy that can befall a person is the atrophy of his mind.

There is always something infinitely mean about other people's tragedies.

Being able to sing all these years has helped me handle life's tragedies.

The greatest tragedy to befall a person is to have sight but lack vision.

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.

One of the greatest tragedies in life is to watch potential die untapped.

Man's worst tragedy in life is his failure to reach his greatest potential

Disaster is a natural part of my evolution toward tragedy and dissolution.

Tragedy is a vision of nihilism, a heroic or ennobling vision of nihilism.

Life is a mixing of all kind of things: comedy and tragedy going together.

There's some things I can't write about, just terrible personal tragedies.

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