Love is transcending the ego to connect with another.

I strive to express the spiritual nature of the universe.

Instead of transcending ourselves, we must move into ourselves.

I am in the continual process of transcending fear-based rituals

Contemporary thinkers would say that man is continuously transcending himself.

See, when I paint, it is an experience that, at its best, is transcending reality.

We want to gather everyone together as one, transcending any barrier of language and culture.

That's part of that thing of transcending languages. Every person will have their own language.

Nothing can occur beyond the strength of faith to sustain, or, transcending the resources of religion, to relieve.

Painting, for me, is a dynamic balance and wholeness of life; it is mysterious and transcending, yet solid and real.

I think it's cool to read that Draymond Green is transcending the NBA. I also think it's cool to read that Draymond Green is terrible.

I like the idea of working in different genres and transcending genres and hopefully finding success, and ultimately make movies people like.

Emotions have a way of transcending geographies and cultures and hence I don't think that an Indian woman is any different from a Turkish woman.

One of the things I wanted to introduce in The Same Sea beyond transcending the conflict, is the fact that deep down below all our secrets are the same.

Transcending what terrifies you and finding freedom from fear is one of the primary pursuits of people rising to world-class, both in their work and within their lives.

The man who can centre his thoughts and hopes upon something transcending self can find a certain peace in the ordinary troubles of life, which is impossible to the pure egoist.

Companies are transcending power now. We are becoming the eminent vehicles for change and influence, and capital structures that matter. If companies shut down, the stock market would collapse.

The 'punch' of a truly weird tale is simply some violation or transcending of fixed cosmic law - an imaginative escape from palling reality - hence, phenomena rather than persons are the logical 'heroes.'

Singing in church is a very different approach to music. It's very much about transcending the idea of self. It's about finding something greater that connects all of us. Gospel music is about tapping into that.

Logotherapy sees the human patient in all his humanness. I step up to the core of the patient's being. And that is a being in search of meaning, a being that is transcending himself, a being capable of acting in love for others.

Far from creating a new formalism, what these can yield is something far transcending surface values since they not only embody form as beauty, but also form in which intuitions or ideas or conjectures have taken visible substance.

Effectively transcending and conquering the legacies of enchainment, impoverishment and racial denigration continue to elude us. Residual elements of the plantation-based past continue to shape our societies and determine their trajectories.

When looking through the spiritual eye, or the third eye encased within the human mind, one can see vividly beyond the ken of human eyesight, beyond the material atom, and into the future, thereby transcending the limitations of time and space.

Our choice of a reform framework dictated that we looked at the fundamental assumptions that had driven Nigeria's economy, society and policy hitherto and to seek ways of either abandoning or transcending those assumptions and their supporting institutions.

In Ronald Reagan's chaotic childhood, the imagination was armor. There is nothing unusual about that; transcending the doubts, hesitations, and fears swirling around you by casting yourself internally as the hero of your own adventure story is a characteristic psychic defense mechanism of the Boy Who Disappears.

Unless one believes in a superhuman reason which directs evolution, one is bound to believe in a reason inherent in humanity, a motive power transcending that of each separate people, just as the power of the organism transcends that of the organ. This reason increases in proportion as the unity of mankind becomes established.

Glamour is all about transcending this world and getting to an idealized, perfect place. And this is one reason that modes of transportation tend to be extremely glamorous. The less experience we have with them, the more glamorous they are. So you can do a glamorized picture of a car, but you can't do a glamorized picture of traffic.

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