My family is democratic in the true sense.

Social media should be a true sense of who you are.

I'm a feminist in the true sense of the word. It's about equality.

Politics is a profession; a serious, complicated and, in its true sense, a noble one.

Singing provides a true sense of lightheartedness. If I sing when I am alone, I feel wonderful. It's freedom.

I do love using keyboards and I love writing keyboard parts, but I am not a player in the true sense of the word.

Unlike scientism, science in the true sense of the word is open to unbiased investigation of any existing phenomena.

My mates are absolute nutters. They're all Essex boys in the true sense and they definitely keep my feet on the ground.

As much as I enjoy traveling and playing on stage as an artist, I really find my true sense of purpose in a room writing a song.

I'm a very big Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan fan. I've grown up seeing them, and they're larger-than-life in the true sense for me.

Pixar is a community in the true sense of the word. We think that lasting relationships matter, and we share some basic beliefs: Talent is rare.

We do not have a functioning market in the true sense of the word in health care. That's a layer of transparency that's sorely needed in America.

The architect must be a prophet... a prophet in the true sense of the term... if he can't see at least ten years ahead don't call him an architect.

There's nothing like meeting someone's family to get a true sense of them and a reflection of their ethics and personality. It just makes them a more rounded person.

The point is that a filmmaker is like a journalist in projecting reality in the true sense of the word. Only thing is he dramatically packages it to make more effect.

Hollywood sold its stars on good looks and personality buildups. We weren't really actresses in a true sense, we were just big names - the products of a good publicity department.

The workman in the true sense of the word - the artist in guns - is either extinct, or hidden in an obscure corner. There is no individuality about modern guns. One is exactly like another.

In the true sense one's native land, with its background of tradition, early impressions, reminiscences and other things dear to one, is not enough to make sensitive human beings feel at home.

Ganpati festivities bring a lot of joy to us but the rituals can cause a lot of harm to the marine life. For my family, only eco-friendly Ganpati completes this festival of joy in the true sense.

Unless you are really grounded and have a true sense of reality, you can get lost in that and a lot of people do and that's why you see so many people with successful careers but with destructive lives.

My approach to the work is the same, whether I had the lead or a supporting role. I consider myself a character actor in the true sense of the word. Unless I'm doing my autobiography, I'm playing a character.

A man who risks his life in shooting big game in order to secure good specimens for natural history collections, or to rid a district of a man-eater or other dangerous neighbor, is a sportsman in the true sense.

I have always said and maintained that I think being an RJ is the most difficult job in the media business. To have that energy and animation in your voice alone, to capture your audiences through your show, is entertainment in the true sense.

Kanye is producing in the true sense of the word. 'Real Friends' was an idea started by me and Boi-1da. We passed it off to Kanye, and Kanye kind of stripped it down and had Havoc add some drums to it. Kanye had the vision. That's really true-school production.

For me, the reason to make the movie is that if people like the comic, then people would like the movie if it was well made. There are good movies for them, but very few. And I mean that in a true sense. If they love your story for freaking 30 years, then they can do a movie about it.

It is certain that the truth of the Christian faith becomes more evident the more the faith itself is known. Therefore, the doctrine should not only be in Latin but also in the common tongue, and as the faith of the Church is contained in the Scriptures, the more these are known in the true sense, the better.

I love what I do. And in the true sense, from my training, I try to create a character each time. It is something I do. But I don't want that term to limit what I can do. I prefer people to say to me, 'You're one of my favorite actors,' rather than 'You're one of my favorite character actors.' It sounds like a slam.

The #metoo campaign picked up speed after the actress Alyssa Milano suggested that if every woman simply typed 'me too' on their platform of choice, they might give the world a true sense of the magnitude of the problem. The hope is that safety in numbers might minimize the shame many women feel in admitting that this has happened to them.

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