My dogs are family dogs.

It can always get worse.

I live a very simple life.

God is putting me in a position to affect people.

Don King is as American as apple pie. He is America.

I've known Laurence Fishburne for about twenty years.

I like to say that I didn't choose acting - acting chose me.

Entertainment is needed, and so I do think escapism is needed.

I was never a struggling actor, for which I feel very blessed.

Rottweilers are victims of a stereotype. They're not that bad.

I find early jazz to be the most revolutionary music of its time.

People often think I've played the villain more times than I have.

I don't need dialogue to convey emotion or thoughts to my audience.

I don't give Hollywood the power to limit me. Only God can limit me.

I've always been interested in cross-cultural exchange with the youth.

I graduated on a Friday. By Monday, I was doing Shakespeare in the Park.

Since I graduated college, all I have ever done for a living was acting.

I really feel that there are things in the ocean that we have no idea about.

The more you do a stunt, the more you increase the risk of something happening.

God has blessed me with a certain amount of presence and a certain amount of charisma.

I'm the spokesman for ADT, and ADT, brother, pays better than most actors make on film.

The character of the computer whiz is not one that would normally be associated with me.

Since God is the foundation of my life, anything that streams from that can only be positive.

The training at Juilliard School is classical training, and it really makes one very versatile.

Are you intimidated by me? Because if you're intimidated by me, that's something you'll have to deal with.

The only difference between working on a huge-budget film and a lesser-budget film, is the quality of lunch and dinner.

I was more interested in playing sports than acting. I didn't take acting too seriously until the end of my junior year.

I think God has blessed each of us with at least one gift. So I think it's a matter of do we find it within our lifetime.

I can always do theater; I can do Ibsen, I can do Macbeth, I can do Chekhov, I can do Moliere, Othello, I can do Richard III.

When I look at the world, I recognize that unfortunately, it sometimes takes an atrocity like 9/11 to force us to come together.

There could be some unknown actor who's a better actor than Ving Rhames, but no one knows that actor, so Ving Rhames will get the job.

When I think of the trials and tribulations that black men go through in America and that black artists went through, I feel very privileged.

My brother and I slept on the couch. I didn't get my own room until I was in college. We didn't even have a telephone until I was in college.

I think there's so much we don't know and the unknown in the ocean; every 10 years or so, we find some fossil that's been there before mankind.

I grew up in Harlem, and the kids used to tease me. You know that song 'Bingo'? Well, they used to sing, 'V-i-n-g-o, and Vingo was his name-o.'

I never grew up thinking I wanted to be a quote-unquote star or anything. My thing was just feeling blessed to be able to make my living acting.

'Mission: Impossible' is basically entertainment, and for what it is, it's fine. I don't think most actors become actors to do that type of film.

I try to base my life on the principles of Christ. I try to raise my family on the principles of Christ. I don't know if that makes me religious.

Miss Goodblatt would call on me to read. She said I had a talent. So on a whim, I auditioned for the High School of Performing Arts in Manhattan.

I do fish, and as a matter of fact, I used to do a lot of deep sea fishing, but as far as going into the water, I don't go out deep into the water.

I grew up in a poverty-stricken neighborhood, but I didn't really know I was a deprived, poverty-stricken child until the media made me aware of it.

A lot of times, scripts are written so the character is all one way. Even with 'Bringing Out the Dead,' the character was written a little more generic.

I graduated college in 1983, so that's 32 years, and all I've done for a living is act or commercials or voiceovers. So I have nothing to complain about.

The more versatile you make yourself, the more work you get. Training makes you more versatile and ultimately gets you more work. Julliard taught me that.

All I want and all I even ask of people in Hollywood is look, just be honest with me. Please don't lie to me. Whatever the situation is, be honest with me.

I spent three days with Don King, and I interviewed 45 people. I studied his speech, his mannerisms. He invited me to a couple of fights, and I watched him.

I don't know if I hadn't grown up poor, and in the neighborhood I did, if I would have had that much to bring to my art form. I call upon my past with characters.

Really, if you get in the ring and box with someone for real, I don't think it is a sport. As far as professional fighters, you are literally putting your life on the line.

You don't have to make, you know, $3 Million dollars a movie, or $20 Million dollars a movie, but if you make a living doing what you love doing, then that's success to me.

Quite honestly I never had a desire to be an actor. I tell people, 'I did not choose acting; acting chose me.' I never grew up wanting to be an actor. I wanted to play football.

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