I’m one uncontrollable hunger away from ruin.

The uncontrollable mystery on the bestial floor.

Uncontrollable laughter arose among the blessed gods.

Books are an attempt to control something that's uncontrollable.

My London is racy. Hyper. Unpredictable. Uncontrollable. Er. Intense.

In places where this beauty has already disappeared, we will reconstruct it.

It's soothing to realize that my mind's processes are inherently uncontrollable.

As a competitor, I try to do everything in my power to control the uncontrollable.

Many people would be more truthful were it not for their uncontrollable desire to talk.

I think all art is about control - the encounter between control and the uncontrollable.

When you can't do what you love all of a sudden because of an uncontrollable situation, it sucks.

I am attracted to characters who think they are in control, but their situation is uncontrollable.

I was a trouble teenager. I was uncontrollable, but I haven't done anything that I'm not proud of.

I'm a nearly uncontrollable Geoff Dyer fan, who I think is one of the most comically brilliant writers today.

Weather is uncontrollable. Only the Lord above can control the weather. Whatever we get, we have to work with.

I focus on the team and I block out all the outside media stuff, because it's so irrelevant and uncontrollable.

Nobody controls me. I'm uncontrollable. The only one who can control me is me, and even that's barely possible.

For tribal man space was the uncontrollable mystery. For technological man it is time that occupies the same role.

Time and trouble will tame an advanced young woman, but an advanced old woman is uncontrollable by any earthly force.

Xenophobia is defined as the uncontrollable fear of foreigners. That fear should not dictate the immigration dialogue any longer.

Of everything I have done, 'The Archers' always gets the most excitement; there's a sort of uncontrollable joy from fans of the program.

Music is really nothing if you think about it - it only becomes something when somebody listens to it. And then it becomes uncontrollable.

I had to wrestle daily with both my inadequacy and my uncontrollable jealousy. I didn't want to kill her, but hoped someone else might do the job for me.

In 'The Darkest Minds,' Zu's trauma manifests in her choosing to remain silent. It's her one small way she can feel in control of her otherwise uncontrollable situation.

For a while, I had this uncontrollable urge - this addiction to danger. Now I look back and I think, 'Gee, what an idiot. I was risking my life just for the sensation of it.'

What I think we fear is rapid, pronounced, and uncontrollable changes to ourselves, and because of this we have a form of personality inertia - something that resists rapid change.

An asteroid impact in the worst case scenario is a terrifying thing. It seems very uncontrollable: in popular culture, it's often a metaphor for human powerlessness over the world.

If you're an addict, it controls your life and your life becomes uncontrollable. It's boring and painful, filling your system with something that makes you stare at your shoes for six hours.

When you're dealing in situations that are uncontrollable and combustible, you try to stabilize the situation as quickly as you can and then work toward and work out toward democratic reform.

We have confirmed something we only knew in theory, namely that revolution, in which uncontrolled and uncontrollable forces operate imperiously, is blind and destructive, grandiose and cruel.

Instead of saying that globalization is a fact, that it's inevitable, we've also got to demonstrate that while the growing interdependence of the world economy is indeed a fact, it's not uncontrollable.

All the uncontrollable and unpredictable parts of my life - from the actual creation to my emotional responses to the finished book - I've succeeded in banishing to the office. And I think I'm happier for it.

When I harnessed its seemingly uncontrollable might, I realized bipolar disorder's powers could be used for good. My diagnosis didn't have to be an affliction. It could simply be the gift of extraordinary emotions.

The ever increasing spiritual damage caused by life within the big city will make this hunger practically uncontrollable when we build here on this the landscape of our homeland we must be clear that we will protect its beauty.

I think the public perception about asteroids is that they're kind of metaphors for acts of God, the fact that we have no control over the universe. They're always seen as these uncontrollable events. But when you look at the science, they're actually the exact opposite.

Characters in TV and theatre tend to experience a lot of conflict, so I push myself through sport to physical and emotional levels that hurt so I've some other reference for extreme experience that isn't me shouting at my girlfriend or my mum. It's a way of controlling the uncontrollable.

What has violence ever accomplished? What has it ever created? No martyr's cause has ever been stilled by an assassin's bullet. No wrongs have ever been righted by riots and civil disorders. A sniper is only a coward, not a hero; and an uncontrolled or uncontrollable mob is only the voice of madness, not the voice of the people.

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