No amount of thought can ever reveal what comes unexpectedly.

Being a part of 'Mothoon' was unexpectedly character-building.

I really enjoy Martin Sheen - he is very unexpectedly funny, very quick.

I've had a 'Zelig'-like career. I pop up unexpectedly. I'm always kind of around.

I thought the sports law sector would be boring, but it was unexpectedly interesting.

I feel incompetent to perform duties... which have been so unexpectedly thrown upon me.

There has never been an unexpectedly short debugging period in the history of computers.

I have been unexpectedly confronted with my own mortality as I was told that I had cancer.

Birth was something that came quite unexpectedly, and afterwards there was one child more in the house.

Only when inspired to go beyond consciousness by some extraordinary insight does beauty manifest unexpectedly.

Nothing annoys a woman more than to have company drop in unexpectedly and find the house looking as it usually does.

Collaborating on 'Tusa' with Nicki Minaj came into my life unexpectedly and I wanted to keep it like that for my fans.

Humour is like violence. They both come to you unexpectedly, and the more unpredictable they both are, the better it gets.

Unexpectedly, I'm here now, so I need to let all the U.S. marketers know that Asians are not different. We are all the same.

I do know about stories where hackers that left Russia or Ukraine for Europe or the United States were unexpectedly arrested.

I am always looking for ideas, whether it is in art on the street or in my world travels. It comes to me randomly and unexpectedly.

There's challenges in life that present themselves unexpectedly, and if you rise to them, then those challenges will toughen you up.

I inherited the company from my father after he died very unexpectedly from a heart attack in 1966. He was just 51 years old, and I was 21.

I thought I was taking pictures of things that I hated. But there was something about these pictures. They were unexpectedly, disconcertingly glorious.

Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration.

I still feel a spike of anticipation when 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel' strikes up and, in these andropausal years, I am unexpectedly moved by 'Away in a Manger'.

Even of if a certain backlash is unavoidable, we must make the most of the momentous chance with which history has presented us so swiftly and so unexpectedly.

The decision to divorce myself from the business side unexpectedly blew up in my face. The creative freedom I thought I was getting turned out to be anything but.

I had found myself a new mission - and once more my recurring dilemma between corporate commercial needs and personal scientific ambitions was solved unexpectedly.

I don't think you can work on feelings in politics, apart from anything else, political change can come very unexpectedly, sometimes overnight when you least expect it.

My novels aren't really generated by a single conceptual spark; it's more a process of many different elements that come together unexpectedly over a long period of time.

I studied, gained friends, became a father, faced the clipboard unexpectedly for the first time, earned some beautiful moments with family and buddies in Thiruvananthapuram.

It's difficult to make predictions in the Premier League, as unpredictable things can happen, and I know that well: I won the title in a crazy way and lost one unexpectedly.

I love stories of love cropping up unexpectedly in life almost as a problem, as something you don't ask for. Something that messes everything up and makes you rethink everything.

I had forgotten how thrilling a snow day is until my son started school, and as much as he loves it, he swoons at the idea of a free day arriving unexpectedly, laid out like a gift.

With so many delicious varieties and flavors ranging from subtle to bold, Keebler and Carr's crackers are an unexpectedly genius way to celebrate leftovers and serve up one-of-a-kind recipes.

Occasionally projects just take off unexpectedly, sometimes you can work away at sketches and ideas for years before they are published. There are a number of authors I would be eager to illustrate.

When I was a child I had a best friend who lived across the road from me. When her mother died unexpectedly it was like losing a member of my own family. I think I am still affected by the memory of that loss.

The futures and ultimate fates of the characters in The Snow Queen are profoundly changed by choices made in their own minds or hearts, as well as choices unexpectedly forced on them by things beyond their control.

After we shot the first 'Twilight,' we organized our own wrap party. We really didn't know what this was going to be. Something like that can come at you unexpectedly, and you just have to try your best to deal with it.

I have a website because it's an interesting tool, very - and quite unexpectedly - useful for my work. It's become an archive and a fairly complete on-line portfolio, as well as offering an opportunity to write a little.

The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we're not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence.

Shooting at Coco Chanel's apartment was an unexpectedly absorbing experience. The essence of Chanel is firmly rooted there in all of her possessions, and I truly believe that her spirit and soul still inhabit the second floor.

I got my SAG card quite unexpectedly. I was here in Los Angeles doing a play called 'Vanities' - it was 1976, I believe - and I got invited by Dustin Hoffman, whom I'd met in New York, to come audition for a movie he was directing.

A friend of mine passed away unexpectedly at the very end of making 'Ghosts', someone who had been as close to me as someone could get, someone who was far too young. But I couldn't really sing about it for a long time - not in the way I would have wanted to.

When I was younger, my family suddenly and unexpectedly lost all of our life savings to a man we had trusted as a friend. The financial loss was difficult, especially because my sister and I were both in college. But the breach of trust was even more painful.

Sometimes it takes you two or three seconds to get your head round a joke and laugh at it. With a snot-bubble laugh, it comes instinctively - almost in spite of yourself. It's caused by something silly - like when a little kid says something unexpectedly bizarre.

Sustainability is a seemingly laudable goal - it tells us we need to live within our means, whether economic, ecological, or political - but it's insufficient for uncertain times. How can we live within our means when those very means can change, swiftly and unexpectedly, beneath us?

Mammootty came on board unexpectedly. 'Uncle,' which I am co-producing with Sajai Sebastian, was meant to be a low-budget film and we had almost cast another actor in the titular role. But, during the shoot of 'Puthan Panam,' I narrated the film's plot to Mammootty, who liked it and wanted to do the movie.

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