Accident is simply unforeseen order.

Nothing ever happens in Mexico until it happens.

Courage is the resolution to face the unforeseen.

Creation exists only in the unforeseen made necessary.

Act boldly and unforeseen forces will come to your aid.

The arrival of the unforeseen reveals the depths of one's heart.

We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.

Hostility to art is also hostility to the new, to the unforeseen.

True economy consists in always making the income exceed the outgo.

Whoever cannot seek the unforeseen sees nothing for the known way is an impasse.

A wise woman never yields by appointment. It should always be an unforeseen happiness.

Unforeseen surprises are the rule in science, not the exception. Remember: Stuff happens.

Nothing is more imminent than the impossible . . . what we must always foresee is the unforeseen.

One of the key issues will be personal honour vs. the good of the many, and unforeseen consequences.

For an introvert his environment is himself and can never be subject to startling or unforeseen change.

The boldness of asking deep questions may require unforeseen flexibility if we are to accept the answers.

Italians are great improvisers. If something unforeseen happens, they throw up their hands, and they adjust.

Prisoners have benefited disproportionately from 'rights inflation' - the expansion of human rights into unforeseen nooks and crannies.

To be clear, geoengineering won't solve global warming. It's not a 'techno-fix.' It would be enormously risky and almost certainly lead to troubling unforeseen consequences.

War involves in its progress such a train of unforeseen circumstances that no human wisdom can calculate the end; it has but one thing certain, and that is to increase taxes.

We humans are great at creating tools with unforeseen consequences. For instance, when we invented the wheel, we had no way of knowing we were also laying the foundations for the TV show 'Top Gear.'

Everything's not going to go perfect. You're going to have some losses that you're going to have to bounce back from and some things that are a little unforeseen that you're going to have to deal with.

Technology is, in many respects, an enabler for an open, transparent society. But it's also an enabler for supervision to a completely unforeseen degree. And for commercialising personal space to an unforeseen degree.

It looks like caring for the most vulnerable in our society could be yet another casualty of Brexit, with over-stretched and potentially unsafe care services and a reduction in female employment another unforeseen consequence.

A Truth is the subjective development of that which is at once both new and universal. New: that which is unforeseen by the order of creation. Universal: that which can interest, rightly, every human individual, according to his pure humanity.

Home purchases that are very highly leveraged or unaffordable subject the borrower and lender to a great deal of risk. Moreover, even in a strong economy, unforeseen life events and risks in local real estate markets make highly leveraged borrowers vulnerable.

Secret ops by secret forces have a nasty tendency to produce unintended, unforeseen, and completely disastrous consequences. New Yorkers will remember well the end result of clandestine U.S. support for Islamic militants against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan during the 1980s: 9/11.

What is certain about the future is that even the best efforts to predict the conditions of future war will prove erroneous. What is important, however, is to not be so far off the mark that visions of the future run counter to the very nature of war and render American forces unable to adapt to unforeseen challenges.

Technology sometimes gets a bad rap because of certain consequences that it's had on the environment and unforeseen problems, but we shouldn't use it as an excuse to reject our tools; rather, we should decide that we need to make better tools to solve the problems caused by the initial tools in a progressive wave of innovation.

True economy consists in always making the income exceed the out-go. Wear the old clothes a little longer if necessary; dispense with the new pair of gloves; mend the old dress: live on plainer food if need be; so that, under all circumstances, unless some unforeseen accident occurs, there will be a margin in favor of the income.

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