In a silent film, the visuals are of utmost importance.

Attention to detail is of utmost importance when you want to look good.

I give the utmost importance to each opponent; otherwise, I can't move forward.

I've always believed that getting respect as an artiste is of utmost importance.

Being happy is of the utmost importance. Success in anything is through happiness.

Children, to me, are of the utmost importance. They're really the future, aren't they?

I believe that the performance of my actors is of utmost importance to make a good film.

To acquire immunity to eloquence is of the utmost importance to the citizens of a democracy.

I love Thanksgiving because it's a holiday that is centered around food and family, two things that are of utmost importance to me.

Treating everyone with dignity and respect is of utmost importance to me and are values we instill and take very seriously at Mylan.

I have my method when it comes to my work. I don't think about who has done what, rather what I am doing is of utmost importance to me.

As we consider the shared values of the U.S. and India, due attention to the fundamental human right of religious freedom is of the utmost importance.

My father instilled in me - of utmost importance and innate in me is the yearning to determine for myself - to define God, to define holiness for myself.

It is only natural that for any statesman at the helm of any government the question of his country's security should be a concern of the utmost importance.

The sanctity of our battlefields, monuments, and veterans institutions is of utmost importance to preserve military history and pay respect to those who fought.

We have to address the safety of women, and that is of utmost importance right now. I would love to work only with people with ethics and the right moral conduct.

Like all Israelis, I yearn for peace. I see the utmost importance in taking all possible steps that will lead to a solution of the conflict with the Palestinians.

As problems like identity theft become more prevalent, now more than ever, Americans need to take their financial health seriously - and this information is of the utmost importance.

The 'Soul Train' legacy and brand are of the utmost importance to me and to 'Soul Train's' millions of fans. After years of offers, I feel the time is now finally right to pass the torch.

It is of the utmost importance that our service members are adequately compensated for their duties, and that we offer them a quality of life that will enable them to continue to serve and to live comfortably.

I'm not cut out for that life; for sharing my life. Whether it's getting married, or having kids. That too drastically changes your life. Everything important to you becomes less important, because the child gains utmost importance.

By and large, the critics and readers gave me an affirmed sense of my identity as a writer. You might know this within yourself, but to have it affirmed by others is of utmost importance. Writing is, after all, a form of communication.

When I was in school, sport was given utmost importance. I think it's fantastic for character building, for team playing, and I think it's a great profile for a nation. One in every six people on Earth is an Indian, and I look forward to the day when we can compete with the heavyweights of the sporting world and do well in the medal tally.

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