Finland is no utopia.

Utopia means elsewhere.

Cycle trails will abound in Utopia.

I don't see a utopia anywhere for me.

Progress is the realization of utopia.

Utopias are often just premature truths.

To know oneself is to disbelieve utopia.

Heaven is home. Utopia is here. Nirvana is now.

Love is a blissful state, but it's not a utopia.

I think that Utopia is a theory of human action.

The future is a choice between Utopia and oblivion.

I believe that he who sows utopia will reap reality.

Utopia is that which is in contradiction with reality.

There's no perfect place, there's no wonderful utopia.

Abandon all hopes of utopia - there are people involved.

We must mistrust utopias: they usually end in holocausts.

Our life dreams the Utopia. Our death achieves the Ideal.

Activists have every right to espouse their views of utopia.

An acre in Middlesex is better than a principality in Utopia.

An acre in Middlesex is better than a principality in Utopia.

The isolation, the separateness, is always a part of any utopia.

I love playing. If it was down to just that, it would be utopia.

When I die, I want to die in a Utopia that I have helped to build.

Happiness is the chief material also in the construction of Utopias.

I think that there is always a part of utopia in any romantic relationship.

Utopia would mean a park - some large, some small - every four or five blocks.

The great universal family of men is a utopia worthy of the most mediocre logic.

Capitalism is always evaluated against dreams. Utopia is a dream. It doesn't exist.

Portland is utopia. My favorite thing would be it's earnestness. I am earnest, too.

Utopias rest on the fallacy that perfection is a legitimate goal of human existence.

We can only know what we can truly imagine. Finally what we see comes from ourselves.

Our aims in political activism are not, and should not be, to create a perfect utopia.

The reason I namecheck restorative justice so much is because that, to me, is the utopia.

None of the abstract concepts comes closer to fulfilled utopia than that of eternal peace.

None of the abstract concepts comes closer to fulfilled utopia than that of eternal peace.

Some people consider utopia to be derived from nature. For some people, utopia is the city.

Utopia is something that I think about in connection to an experience I had when I was a kid.

All paradises, all utopias are designed by who is not there, by the people who are not allowed in.

The concept of progress acts as a protective mechanism to shield us from the terrors of the future.

How would I myself live in this proposed society? How long would it be before I went stark staring mad?

If I could create my own utopia, it would be this genderless world where we didn't have to talk about it.

The president's dream of a worldwide liberal utopia is going to undermine the security of the United States.

I would say my theme has always been paradise lost, always the lost cause, the lost leader, the lost utopia.

To apply communism is an aspiration, in fact it has never been applied anywhere, it is really still a utopia.

Find joy and solace in the simple, and cultivate your utopia by feeling the Tao in every cubic inch of space.

For other nations, utopia is a blessed past never to be recovered; for Americans it is just beyond the horizon.

Some who are too scrupulous to steal your possessions nevertheless see no wrong in tampering with your thoughts.

I hold to nothing but envisioning international peace and utopia. We all have many more things in common than not.

Utopia is in the moment. Not in some future time, some other place, but in the here and now, or else it is nowhere.

I'll believe in utopia when I meet my first perfect person, and this community is made up of 70,000 imperfect persons.

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