I think the UFC needs to value me and they are valuing me.

Valuing the road over the goal was a Taoist goal in itself.

FOMO (fear of missing out) is the enemy of valuing your own time.

Being 'pro-life' means standing up for all life, valuing all life.

I think what's really important is valuing friendships and family a lot.

I have that normal male thing of valuing myself according to the job I do.

I've kind of stopped valuing laughter as the end-all measurement of what I'm doing.

We live in a society that has a long history of not valuing people of color or women.

What makes us really human is it's in the presence of death that we start valuing life.

Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.

We are bad at valuing other people, and we are worse the more different they are than us.

I'm committed as governor to valuing and nurturing our relationships with our friends to the south.

To me, entrepreneurship means something different. I think of it as identifying and valuing opportunity.

Valuing public servants would boost morale among those on the front line of implementing government policy.

I have started exploring my own life and have started valuing myself. I have started valuing my individuality.

Little girls are taught to be dependent, incapable of valuing themselves in many aspects of their daily lives.

I think the people that need to see my talent are seeing it, people who understand F1 well are valuing my performance.

Skill at helping people grow spiritually, like skill at playing chess, depends on understanding and valuing differences.

Women are better than man at valuing relationships and much better than men in terms of contributing towards a relationship.

I can no longer understand what the parameters are for valuing a player. It's all too random and in the hands of whoever has more money.

I think there is a possible future where maybe we do just take a hard turn away from the Internet and we do start valuing our privacy again.

Why are we not valuing the word 'feminism' when there is so much work to be done in terms of empowerment and emancipation of women everywhere?

I do think that whatever ambition I may have had natively was amplified by my father's clear valuing of it. I knew that was what my dad really cared about.

I try to write about a woman finding her self-respect, valuing herself, and liking herself again. But what one desperately wants now is to write a proper novel.

This administration and the leadership in Congress appear to be intent on valuing wealth over work, thereby placing working families at a distinct disadvantage.

I wanted to find a way to intelligently argue that we should be valuing our own skills and talents instead of valuing the number of people we can get to look at us.

The Puritans' sense of priorities in life was one of their greatest strengths. Putting God first and valuing everything else in relation to God was a recurrent Puritan theme.

Until the age of 19, I lived in the Communist Party commune where eight families lived in 180 to 200 square feet of space. In that world, social justice was a given. We grew up valuing that.

I think valuing what your body can do over how your body looks is the No. 1 advice I would give to young women about how to have healthy body image. It's not, 'Do these pants fit?' It's 'Can I do a split?'

We think of the Techstars product as not really the accelerator but the network. That's what entrepreneurs should be valuing here. I think it's the most undervalued thing that many entrepreneurs don't get.

But for the children of the poorest people we're stripping the curriculum, removing the arts and music, and drilling the children into useful labor. We're not valuing a child for the time in which she actually is a child.

All too often, legacy management practices reflexively perpetuate the past - by over-weighting the views of long-tenured executives, by valuing conformance more highly than creativity and by turning tired industry nostrums into sacred truths.

In the so-called age of girl power, we have failed to cut loose our most regressive standards of female success - like pleasing others and looking sexy - and to replace them with something more progressive - like valuing intelligence and hard work.

A museum is like a valuing machine. Museums and the industrial society started at the same moment, and they're really tied into each other. They've been all about displaying objects and the kind of wealth that can be derived from objects and promoting that point.

About tidying up a toy box, you should let your kids experience the selection process by touching all of their toys. It's also important how they throw away their toys. They can earn a stronger sense of valuing things when they throw things away with respect and appreciation.

Wal-Mart is an amazing success story. What I particularly admire very much about the late Sam Walton was his policy of valuing his employees. Giving value to employees is very rare in the retail industry. I also admire the strategies Walton used to build up his discount store concept.

Going to a movie is a two-hour experience; at $7.50 for a ticket, you are valuing your time at far less than the minimum wage. If you don't understand the film, don't leave. If you understand it all too well and hate it, get out of your seat and walk up the aisle. You will feel empowered.

I wanted to write about women and their work, and about valuing the work we, as women, choose to do. Too many women I knew disparaged their work. Many working mothers thought they ought to be home with their children instead, so they carried around too much guilt to enjoy much job satisfaction.

Families, community leaders, and others must create the public will to address the challenges facing black girls and other girls of color as well by listening to them, valuing their experiences, and becoming actively involved in creating policies and innovative programs that promote their well-being.

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