Atari is a very sad story.

Love is very beautiful, but very, very sad.

Solitude is very sad, Too much company twice as bad.

Divorce was very sad, obviously, but now I've gotten over it.

War is very sad and small life is pathetically fragile at times.

I think it is very sad that 'sitcom' has become a pejorative term.

Halloween put me on the map, and I'm very sad to hear of his death.

It seems to me that very sad things always contain an element of the comical

This is my brain: O This is my brain after making out with Fang: * It's very sad.

For every sad thing you think of, you should think of three happy things to chase it away.

What you get will never make you happy; who you become will make you very happy or very sad.

The world is a very serious and, at times, very sad place - but at other times it is all such a joke.

It was very sad, he thought. The things men carried inside. The things men did or felt they had to do.

A lot of men are impotent and it's very sad. How many of you are impotent? I see. Can't get your arms up either?

I'm really happy with my life now, but there's a lot of stuff I feel very sad about in ways I can't even control.

The words, when they came to my heart, were so gentle, and familiar -- and so very sad: What is this you have done?

Hank Williams was one of the greatest writers of all time, and it's very sad that his career lasted for only six years.

Very sad, very upset, very glad I did not have to hear about this though Twitter. Probably going to be taking some time off it for a while.

Dartmouth is the place I've devoted my life to, so it's very sad to see this kind of decline in the intellectual strength of the institution.

We're not going to let our companies be raided by other countries where we lose all our jobs, we don't make our product anymore. It's very sad.

Everybody wants to collaborate with me. I was going to collaborate with Whitney Houston, but she died. Very sad, man. We were very good friends.

The blues to me is like being very sad, very sick, going to church, being very happy ... it's sort of a mixed up thing. You just have to feel it.

I feel as if I'm going through a mid-life crisis. I don't feel very attractive and it's like I'm frigid or something. I'm aging and it makes me very sad.

I enjoy being recognized. I'll be very sad if people stop recognizing me. I'll be very sad if I'm not interviewed, because that's a very amazing process.

It's astonishing what some women will put up with just to have a warm body. Some of the brightest women I know are just obsessed with that search. It's very sad.

Every coach always worries about accidents happening. I was very fortunate as a head coach that we were never in any accidents. But when you hear about them happening to other schools, it is very sad.

What does he say?' he asked. 'He’s very sad,’ Úrsula answered, ‘because he thinks that you’re going to die.' 'Tell him,' the colonel said, smiling, 'that a person doesn’t die when he should but when he can.

The work of Liszt I most admire is the music he wrote toward the end of his life. This is often music of tremendous inventiveness. The music seems to be seeking something. It tends to be restless, unpredictable, often very sad.

Terrorists are not bad; they are limited by circumstances. They are human beings. I am very, very, very sad when they explode themselves and kill 40 to 60 persons. It's terrible. But also, I am sad for them, a young person who lost his whole life. It's terrible. They are limited by religion, by politics, by economical interests.

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