I wound up sticking with violin because it was the strongest current in my life.

When you play a violin piece, you are a storyteller, and you're telling a story.

I know the lead singer of System of a Down, and I record violin tracks with him.

Of course, the recorder will never have the repertoire of the piano or the violin.

I studied classical violin and voice until I was 18 and by then I had had my fill.

I studied violin since I was a boy, and my dream was to be a violinist and to play.

A poet is a man who puts up a ladder to a star and climbs it while playing a violin.

K.G. Sathar, a neighbour, was my guru. He taught me the violin and Hindustani music.

Acting is just playing the violin in an orchestra. Directing is being the conductor.

I wasn't making it with the violin because I was playing all of the 'long hair' stuff.

A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?

The age of a person doesn't matter. The sweetest music is played on the oldest violin.

I drew it over my skin like a violins bow, No one would ever hear the song of my shame.

Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.

Sex and violence was never really my cup of tea; I was always more into sax and violins.

And I also think it's a violin when you're selling it and a fiddle when you're buying it.

I didn't ask my mother to buy me a trumpet or a violin, I started right on the water hose.

Love is not the dying moan of a distant violin - it's the triumphant twang of a bedspring.

I mean, I'm a Ukrainian immigrant from Brooklyn who grew up dancing and playing the violin!

Playing the violin and singing and whistling are just three different ways of making sound.

Whoever heard of an electric violin, electric cello or, for that matter, an electric singer?

Second violins can play a concerto perfectly if they're in their own home and nobody's there.

Chess is no whit inferior to the violin, and we have a large number of professional violinists

I would also like to thank my father who discouraged me from playing the violin at an early age.

What drew me to the violin was mastering the instrument technically, which I'm continuing to do.

I was up playing violin at seven and translating that information to play guitar, piano at eight.

Being content is perhaps no less easy than playing the violin well: and requires no less practice.

The celebrated painter Gainsborough got as much pleasure from seeing violins as from hearing them.

Life is a public performance on the violin, in which you must learn the instrument as you go along.

If I'm playing a violin thing, for instance, I tend to respond to that sound with the way I finger.

I grew up playing classical violin and a lot of Bach and Mozart and the things that Einstein loved.

However beautifully you play the violin, you can always play the violin even more beautifully again.

Well, my main instrument is violin, but I think of myself as a songwriter who happens to play violin.

I started playing the violin when I was 5, but by the time I was 12 or 13, I wasn't really liking it.

I don't think there is any end to translucence. It's an endless journey, rather like playing the violin.

It is my aim, my destination in life to make the cello as beloved an instrument as the violin and piano.

I actually wanted to play the violin before I had polio, and then afterwards, there was no reason not to.

Mozart has written opera, symphony, sacred and chamber music - not to mention his piano and violin concerti.

Even in classical music, the cello doesn't get a lot of respect because the piano and the violin get it all.

I have a longing for violin or organ. Is it too simple to say those sustaining sounds symbolise immortality?

Bach in general was so good with the violin. He just finds the genius way around his music on the instrument.

I play guitar, bass, drums, piano, and pretty much any sort of stringed instrument - besides violin or cello.

If I like dubstep and electronic, why don't I make the violin fit me rather than making myself fit the violin?

He touched her as he usually touched his beloved violin, with a soft and urgent grace that left her breathless.

[Billy Strayhorn] understood the violin as well as he understood Jazz, and he wrote for the violin as a violin.

If I can add, say, 10 great new violin concertos to the repertoire before I'm done, that will be truly exciting.

I do use an electric violin. Actually, my regular electric violin, which I sometimes use, is by Ned Steinburger.

I am playing the violin, that's all I know, nothing else, no education, no nothing. You just practice every day.

Edgar Meyer's violin concerto was the first piece of contemporary music I worked on in any depth. I was 18 or 19.

Cello is my first instrument, then piano, drums, bass, violin, recorder, saxophone, but I'd never play them live!

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