Evil is movement towards void.

My soul is all an aching void.

Love is just a shout in the void.

Put a little love here in my void.

The last kiss is given to the void.

Oh, what a void there is in things.

All sins are attempts to fill voids.

Work certainly does help fill a void.

Void of freedom, what would virtue be?

Nothing exists but atoms and the void.

Desire is an attempt to feel the void.

Consumerism thrives on emotional voids.

No craving void left aching in the soul.

We become aware of the void as we fill it.

ʺThe contractʹs null and void, by the way.ʺ

It was a strange feeling, like touching a void.

My heart is a void, dead, and this makes me sad.

Democritus's work on the void was revolutionary.

The music is the void. And you're the reason why.

Eat the pain. Send it back into the void as love.

People are scared man, they're scared of the void.

Too much improvisation leaves the mind stupidly void.

The eternal void is filled with infinite possibilities

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

The yawn of the void. A siren call for the unimaginative

Visiting a museum is a matter of going from void to void.

Ease would recant Vows made in pain, as violent and void.

Immoral laws are doubtless void, and should not be obeyed.

What terrible fear causes Man to address the Void as Thou?

When our purpose becomes avoidance, our life becomes a void.

Want is an empty void - your real value is full and abundant.

It is impossible to imagine existence void of any intelligence.

There's a lot of times when I just want to scream into the void.

Those who are devoid of purpose will make the void their purpose.

Chance is a word void of sense; nothing can exist without a cause.

Nothing is void of God, his work is everywhere his full of himself.

Nothing is void of God, his work is everywhere his full of himself.

Books are carefully folded forests/void of autumn/bound from the sun

In the beginning, Atlanta was without form, and void; and it still is.

I know the void, the void knows me. It keeps us weak; the void told me.

Youth always tries to fill the void, an old man learns to live with it.

The void yields up nothing. You have to be a great poet to make it ring.

I know. I was there. I saw the great void in your soul, and you saw mine.

Become empty to become complete, for it is the void that defines the form.

If a scene isn't well written they'll drop your neckline to fill the void.

We're trying to plug a void and bring what's been missing back to hip-hop.

At the heart of any poor soul not at one with the Force, there is only void.

Chris' absence is very much felt. There's just a huge void in our home life.

He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch.

I like to spread myself out. Since I was a kid, I always recognized some void.

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