I didn't serve and volley until I got to Wimbledon in '77.

Few players hit the swinging forehand volley as often, or as well, as Maria Sharapova.

I have shielded myself against the volley of jokes that I have been made the subject of.

If you serve well, your volleys are going to be so much easier. It has got to do with confidence, obviously.

If you want a player to serve and volley more, you need to teach them to do that more, how to move at the net.

In tennis, there is the forehand, the backhand, the overhead smash and the drop volley, all with a different grip.

I'm a useless guitar-player. When I put myself in a band I immediately became its weakest part. I was like my forehand volley at tennis.

One of the greatest joys of tennis is having a nice volley and not really keeping score, not really looking at the lines, but just catching up with each other.

I try not to hit a swing volley and run back. So my swing volley is kind of that transition to the net. It's been one of my favorite shots ever since I was young.

If you didn't have power, you had to have touch and serve and volley, which I found very exciting and that's why I love watching Federer play, because of those skills.

I used to hear a lot that all I could do was hit a serve, I couldn't volley, I can't hit a backhand, I don't return well, and then people would turn round and tell me I'm underachieving.

We can live frugally. The less you work, the less you spend and the more time you have for loafing about. But when I put forward this simple notion, I was greeted with a volley of resentment.

I had a DVD and I think it was called 'Newcastle United: Flying High' in 2002 or 2003. I used to watch that all of the time, I think it was the year Shearer scored that famous volley against Everton.

Well, I like to - the game of serve and volley, but it's very tough, you know, against the best players because they return so good and their passing shots are really good. So it's really tough to get there with those players.

Small miseries, like small debts, hit us in so many places, and meet us at so many turns and corners, that what they want in weight, they make up in number, and render it less hazardous to stand the fire of one cannon ball, than a volley composed of such a shower of bullets.

I spent hours from 11 until 16 with Tottenham in the gym playing the ball against the wall. We played against the wall for an hour before we would have a match. Left foot. Right foot. In the square. In the circle. Above the line, below it. Chest control. Thigh control. Volley sideways.

When men act up by being degrading, dismissive, condescending, shut off, or sullen, that can often dumbfound you as a woman and get you off balance. At that point, you can feel and look like a deer in the headlights, which makes you even more vulnerable to such a man's next volley of vitriol.

Same job, whether it's comedy or drama. Regardless of the weight of the role, I feel like the job is always kind of the same. Who is this person? What's this guy here, and how is he playing with this thing, and what's he trying to say? And what's the volley with all these other people around him?

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