John Toshack hates me.

I love playing for Wales.

I am not Pele or Maradona

Wales is a lot like New Zealand.

I'm married to a girl from Wales.

South Wales is a hub of aviation.

I started singing because I come from Wales

I started singing because I come from Wales.

For me, representing Wales really was a dream.

In Wales, it's eight different weathers in a day.

I come from south Wales. A place called Aberbargoed.

I knew I wanted to play for Wales from an early age.

I was born in Wales but I'm not Welsh - I'm English.

At international level, I've only ever wanted Wales.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt this lost, even in Wales.

'The Outlaw Josey Wales' is one of my top three movies.

It used to hurt me when people said I was hiding in Wales.

My parents were always Welsh-speaking and very proud of Wales.

Though I be but prince of Wales, yet I am the king of courtesy.

I was born in London but brought up in Wales from the age of two.

Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country.

My next job after Wales, whenever that is, will be somewhere abroad.

Growing up in Wales was a pretty Draconian experience with religion.

In Wales, singing and storytelling are party skills, not professions.

I was captain of Wales; I've been captain of numerous football clubs.

Wales was great. The people were great, and I had a great time there.

We can't feel safe because we are not safe. (on Fulham, 2004-5 season)

Without being too profound, I never dreamt of getting 100 caps for Wales.

Eventually, I was sent to Wales and Germany, and after the war, to Paris.

Every second I'm on the pitch for Wales is an honour, and I love playing.

Every time I pull on a Madrid or Wales top, I run myself into the ground.

Over in the UK and in Wales, it's nice to turn on the TV and see Baywatch.

Over in the UK and in Wales, it's nice to turn on the TV and see 'Baywatch.'

In this eventful period the colony of New South Wales is already far advanced.

I remember a Q&A I did in Wales where there were five people in the auditorium.

It profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world... but for Wales!

There's such a unique humour in Wales that I just love and miss in Los Angeles.

My parents' usual reprimand was to remind me that I was not the Prince of Wales.

I first met Jimbo Wales, the face of Wikipedia, when he came to speak at Stanford.

Who knows but that England may revive in New South Wales when it has sunk in Europe.

Wales was a great pleasure. It's the biggest honor I've ever had, to lead my country.

It has always been my ambition to be captain of Wales over a sustained period of time.

When I was 2, we moved into an imposing country mansion 8 miles west of Cardiff, Wales.

Part of my childhood was spent in Sydney and part in rural New South Wales, at Armidale.

I do not... look very feminine. Diana, Princess of Wales is feminine... I am... femi-none.

Each section of the British Isles has its own way of laughing, except Wales, which doesn't.

I'm one of five kids and we lived on a massive farm in New South Wales with my mum and dad.

Everyone in London, Wales, and France made the 'Merlin' experience a very, very special one.

It's always been something I've wanted to try and do, to take Wales to a major championship.

I am very excited to be here in Wales and look forward to putting on the Cardiff Blues shirt.

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