Washington DC is corporate-occupied territory.

Washington, DC is 12 square miles bordered by reality.

Washington, DC is to lying what Wisconsin is to cheese.

In Washington, DC, politics dominate even the most casual conversations.

When somebody comes along and says, "I think Washington, DC, sucks," that's not wrong.

So when Putin goes out to buy a Coke, thirty seconds later it is known in Washington DC.

Washington, DC does not have to live with much of what they produce legislatively for us.

Development does not take place in Washington, DC. Development takes place in the rest of the world.

In July of 1983, I left Washington, DC area and have had minimal contact with Judge Clarence Thomas since

In July of 1983, I left Washington, DC area and have had minimal contact with Judge Clarence Thomas since.

We need one strong hombre or hombre-ette, and I'm the hombre-ette to go and stand for you in Washington DC.

The American dream is under attack because our government has been hijacked by the Liberals in Washington DC.

I didn't grow up in public life. I lived with my mother in Boston, not in Washington, DC, so I was somewhat sheltered from that.

I was raised in Washington, DC in a household where one parent was a Republican and the other was a Democrat, so I got both sides.

Gardening has increased, community gardens have increased significantly. There are 50 percent more community gardens right here in Washington DC.

Make sure of two things. Be careful - microphones are always hot, and understand that in Washington, D.C., a gaffe is when you tell the truth. So, be careful.

I was raised in Washington, DC, very violent place. I grew up with violence. My introduction to music was violent. The years I've spent on tours, some of that was extremely violent.

Well Washington DC what are you going to do. They think the capitol steps are the state of the art in comedy. You try to drag them into the 20th century let alone the 21st and they refuse to come with you.

The same music is playing on the radio in San Francisco, New York, Washington DC and Annapolis. Everywhere you go there's the same artists and same songs by them, over and over again. At some stations they play the same songs 50 to 60 times a week.

Growing up, my dad owned a restaurant in Washington, DC, and food was something I was passionate about. But when I finally got into it, I felt like it was so late in the game; that's why I worked seven days a week at Craft and Mercer Kitchen. I wanted to see how far I could take it.

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