Too much is the same as not enough.

Nonviolence is pretty ballsy, pretty advanced weaponry.

My characters came with a lot of gear, a lot of weaponry.

I'm a huge, huge lover of weaponry, of Japanese martial arts movies.

I'm not real impressed with the Star Trek weaponry, I gotta be honest.

The terror created by weaponry has never stopped men from employing them.

The love of weaponry is often a manifestation of infantile traits in an adult.

I didn't want to spend my life contributing to the development of more atomic weaponry.

If we are to be destroyed we will do it ourselves by warfare with thermonuclear weaponry.

Mexico needs schools, rural development, and an independent judiciary, not high-tech weaponry.

Without question, the Red Ryder BB gun is the most important gun in the history of American weaponry.

Saudi Arabia supplies much oil to the U.S. And it is the world's largest consumer of American weaponry.

Science is moving closer to weaponry, and Art is moving closer to commercialism. And never the twain shall meet.

Congress votes for things the military doesn't want, and planes and other weaponry that cost a lot but don't work.

As the world's leading military and arms supplier, the U.S. is also the biggest producer of less than lethal weaponry.

The United States is supplying the most modern and sophisticated weaponry to Israel to the tune of billions of dollars every year.

Citizens United provided unprecedented political weaponry to big special interests. My personal view was it was calculated to do that.

When you get a job on 'The Walking Dead' you imagine you're going to be running through the woods with a lot of weaponry shouting, 'Look out!'

We can't stop a baby in Africa from starving to death... but we can afford enough technology and weaponry to blow the world up a million times over.

I think that most Americans feel that the Indians lost because of fair fights and superior odds and superior weaponry. That's because that's the only side of the story that's been told.

It is impossible to preserve my friendship with people who are allegedly leaders when they are attacking their own people, shooting at them, using tanks and other forms of heavy weaponry.

We will always apply the same principles of collective security, prudent caution, and superior weaponry that enabled us to peacefully prevail in the long cold war against the Soviet Union.

It bothers me to read the comments of leaders of the Hamas and others who hate America that their goal is to have more weaponry capable of delivering all types of weapons of mass destruction.

Once it was suggested that Saddam Hussein might give his weaponry to terrorists, or might use weapons himself in the region, then it became hard for the Democrats to say, 'Well, that can't happen.'

More women than men graduate in media studies. They don't know how to find a fixer; they don't know about weaponry; they don't know where is safe, where is not safe - they just want to prove themselves.

In general, when moviemakers talk to scientists, they usually see them as a resource to solve particular technical problems or script problems for them. So, something like: what sort of weaponry would aliens be able to wield?

The whole nuclear-arms-control and non-proliferation policy of the nuclear powers is a fraud: The Americans could not prevent the Soviets from replicating their weaponry, and then could not object when the British did the same.

On college campuses, in newsrooms, and now in the highest corridors of power, with Barack Obama in the Oval Office, the politically correct Left is wielding its weaponry with the confidence that it can take down any group, anyone, or anything.

Human beings may well be unable to break free of the dictatorship of greed that spreads like a miasma over the world, but no longer will we be an inarticulate and ignorant humanity, confused by our enslavement to superior cruelty and weaponry.

In Olympia, Washington, many of us were writing songs that were the equivalent of bloodletting: This is the sound a wound makes; this is the screech of a scar. But Mary Timony was always more kaleidoscope than microscope, creating magical worlds replete with weaponry or sorcery.

'2001: A Space Odyssey' is a movie that really impressed me as a teenager. And also 'Blade Runner.' And 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' is also one of my favorites. I'm always looking for sci-fi material, and it's difficult to find original and strong material that's not just about weaponry.

My personal style changes wherever I am. When I'm in Ibiza, I'm a bit girlier because there's an opportunity to be more romantic and dress up for the beach scene. Whereas in New York, I tend to go for suiting and tailoring that almost feels like weaponry for the city - but I think I'm quite playful no matter what.

Green Arrow was a very complicated character to take on because he has archaic weaponry. Catwoman, I think is more of a simple archetype to grasp, so it will be about nuance. But I think you need three or four issues before you say, 'Ah ha! Now I really know how to write this character!' You're carrying them around with you.

You can't build a plot out of jokes. You need tragic relief. And you need to let people know that when a lot of frightened people are running around with edged weaponry, there are deaths. Stupid deaths, usually. I'm not writing 'The A-Team' - if there's a fight going on, people will get hurt. Not letting this happen would be a betrayal.

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