Put variety in white.

White is an attitude.

I'm really white trash.

God wears white flannels.

Remember the White Knight.

Nothing is black or white.

I'm the white Mohammad Ali.

I live to harass white folks.

Not all white people are bad.

The white devil's time is up.

Won't you ride my white horse?

Her skin was white as leprosy.

The whole white world is ours.

White folks still in the lead.

I don't sign for white people.

If it is light, leave it white.

The purest white seems stained.

Leave nothing white behind you.

The lawn was white with doctors

White does not exist in nature.

By the way, Santa just is white.

I think I sound like Barry White.

White dew- one drop on each thorn

The White Majority is the Problem

I love soft-cotton white T-shirts.

The great white cold walks abroad!

The White House is a bully pulpit.

He is white-livered and red-faced.

I'm not a big fan of the white lie.

The White House is a strange place.

Love is the white light of emotion.

I'm not white-picket-fence perfect.

White lies are ushers to black ones.

White Americans have a short memory.

I felt red, white and blue all over.

Some stories aren't black and white.

I grew up in an all-white community.

Black, like white, is the best color!

A white wall is the paper of a foole.

Most of what we see are white people.

The white flower of a blameless life.

Witch hunters is white women’s worry.

White in the moon the long road lies.

Betty White jokes are just not for me.

I bow in reverence to the white cloud.

White people scare the crap out of me.

Black implies white self implies other

By law, all buildings should be white.

'Keep England White' is a good slogan.

Moonlight, white satin, roses. A bride.

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