To change, to convert? Why bother?

My personal life is invented for me, so why bother?

Magnify the father, why bother with something lesser?

My philosophy is, unless you're sick and need help, why bother?

If there is no God, why bother to tell the truth? Why not steal?

I don't like sequels at all. If the movie's good the first time, why bother?

If I am thinking the same as everyone why bother pushing to get it published?

You don't do characters that are the same as you, otherwise why bother to act?

Why bother with Google when I have a wife who knows everything about everything!

Someone could be amazing at what they do, but if you don't like them, why bother hiring them?

Dressing up used to be more of a thing. My dad wore a suit always. Now you think, why bother?

Actually I like working kind of fast, because if you got it, why bother doing it over and over?

School is practice for the future, and practice makes perfect and nobody's perfect so why bother.

When something's painful, you just avoid it. Why bother dredging up the past if it's nothing but bad stuff?

I regarded drugs as somewhat like rattlesnakes - it's possible to pick one up without getting bit, but why bother?

I like working really fast. The best ideas are the first ones that come into your head - so why bother thinking of any more?

Middle Age is that perplexing time of life when we hear two voices calling us, one saying, 'Why not?' and the other, 'Why bother?'

The promotional cycle's this staging area for failure. I hate it! Why bother when everyone's either gonna steal the album or copy it?

If the playwright knew every little thing about his play, why bother? There must be discovery all the time, otherwise why bother to do it?

I don't plan my life or analyse things. Nothing can be predicted about the future, no one can put a finger on what's going to be the next big thing. Why bother?

If you know you can do it - if you can already chart every day in your future - then why bother? Choose to do something you have more trouble imagining. Take a chance.

I believe that when you're in love you have to pour your heart and soul out to your partner... or why bother? So in that sense I'm an incurable romantic when it comes to men.

The things that have been most popular with people have always been a total surprise, and so I've never felt like I could really truthfully predict public taste, so why bother?

I've been to nudist beaches, like twice. But honestly, I just don't want to see these people naked. Most people look better with their clothes on, and the few that don't, look better than you, so why bother?

Before you take your address, while you're still reading the putt, imagine the ball tracking on the line you've chosen and falling into the cup. If you don't believe you can make every putt, why bother trying?

I ought to be more hardboiled; I'd like to be. I don't think I have it in me. To write in clipped sentences. To employ gritty metaphor in the introduction of sultry blondes... I can't do it, so why bother trying?

Naturally, when it comes to voting, we in Texas are accustomed to discerning that fine hair's-breadth worth of difference that makes one hopeless dipstick slightly less awful than the other. But it does raise the question: Why bother?

Still and all, why bother? Here's my answer. Many people need desperately to receive this message: I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.

I've always liked this idea that writing should comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable to create trouble. The value of a work of art can be measured by the harm spoken of it. If you're not feeling that, then absolutely, why bother?

In Britain, it's bred into you, the idea that you can't really change anything, so why bother. When I went to school in America, it was the total opposite view - you, as an individual, can change anything and everything. It's how you're raised.

I have great Indian genes! You know, I'm lazy. I want to take advantage of the fact that I have a great metabolism. When I start getting fat, I'll work on it! I like food, and I don't like the gym, and as long as I look like this without doing anything, why bother?

I utterly reject the view that the Third World is doomed to poverty and starvation. Not only is this wrong, I think this attitude verges on the immoral, like thinking that slavery is an unalterable facet of the human condition so why bother doing anything about it?

Being compared to Freddie Mercury is something I've come to terms with. I don't know that I'll ever successfully avoid the comparisons, as much as I might want to. Why bother, though? People hear what they want to hear because it makes them feel good and gives them a momentary pause from a loss rock and roll has felt for years.

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