I was a campaign widow.

Widow. The word consumes itself.

I get lonely when I'm a Playstation widow.

Memory, in widow's weeds, with naked feet stands on a tombstone.

It is better to be the widow of a hero than the wife of a coward.

A widow's refusal of a lover is seldom so explicit as to exclude hope.

Being a rock widow is not my job, so I would hire people to do it for me.

Men should think twice before making widow hood woman's only path to power.

It's good to be a widow in New York, because I can do something every night.

I did not want to make the widow record. I still haven't made the widow record.

'Widow' is a word I never thought would describe me, but I had to learn to deal with that.

As a widow and a caregiver and a single mother, I'm living the experience that New Mexicans are.

Madonna's like a black widow spider. She tends to use people, then they shrivel up and disappear.

I've had two proposals since I've been a widow. I am a wonderful catch, you know. I have a lot of money.

During the screen test for 'Red Widow' was the first time anyone ever told me that I was good at auditioning.

How can I wage political battle against a widow who does not mean anyone any harm except only the president himself?

I think 'The Avengers' is a Black Widow movie. She saves the day. And if you take her out, the plot does not function.

Since I've got on the Internet, it's opened a whole world of wasted time for me. My wife says she's an Internet widow.

I'm ultimately a widow and a single mother, who's not even getting to be a mother right now. I am so alone, it's freaky.

For many women, becoming a widow does not just mean the heartache of losing a husband, but often losing everything else as well.

Here's an interesting thing about L.A. - it's overrun with black widow spiders. I could find you one on the street in 10 minutes.

At Yves Saint Laurent, I felt like the son-in-law - like I was part of the family, but not quite. When I was fired, I felt like the widow.

My mother turned into a professional widow. She couldn't understand why I wanted to be an engineer; she thought I should be a chicken farmer.

I was in Hyderabad shooting for a Telugu film with Mahesh Babu when Aamir called, saying he wanted me to play the widow Jwala in 'Mangal Pandey.'

I was just a toddler when my dad died in a car crash. With my mum, Eunice, being a young widow with a large family, she really struggled money-wise.

I should say, one of the things about being a widow or a widower, you really, really need a sense of humor, because everything's going to fall apart.

I read 'Scarlett' recently, and that was a killer comic book. The 'Black Widow' was pretty rockin'. There is a big list of killer chicks that are just rockin'.

When I did that interview with Hepburn, the only ground rule was, you did not discuss Spencer Tracy. Spencer Tracy's widow is still alive, and she respected that.

I would suggest the widow do things the husband used to do, so he seems to be there with you. You will feel like just going to bed. It's so wonderful, going to bed.

For a woman who's a widow and pretty much a loner, I can walk out, and I'm surrounded by NYU kids. The energy jumps off the sidewalks, and I never feel sad or bored.

Finding the voice of a character, no matter who it is - from Black Widow to Han Solo - is the first and most important hurdle for me to cross in any work of fiction.

I can't think whether I've actually interviewed the widow of a crime suspect. Obviously, I've interviewed members of the families of people who've been accused of things.

My mother had me when she was 15. My father died before I was born. So my mother was a teenage widow, and she used herself as her greatest example so I wouldn't end up in her position.

I think it's not a femme fatale when someone is not doing it to manipulate men or be like a black widow. She loves him. She does it out of love. She wants him so badly to stay with her.

I've been writing about my boyhood, when I was a little kid back on my grandfather's farm where we didn't know about black widow spiders or all that stuff. But writing about that is so easy.

I got so lucky on my 'Red Widow' cast. It was just the universe looking out for me that I got those actors. It's a big ensemble cast, a very international cast. I don't know how that happened.

When I was growing up, we had a widow living next door to us. So the habit was that if we went to the grocery store, we called her first. If we cut our yard, we cut her yard, no questions asked.

My landlady, who is only a tailor's widow, reads her Milton; and tells me, that her late husband first fell in love with her on this very account: because she read Milton with such proper emphasis.

I have a very interesting story to tell, and people always want to hear about it. They know I'm a 9/11 widow, and I always get comments on that and being an actor and raising my daughters by myself.

Social Security is based on a principle. It's based on the principle that you care about other people. You care whether the widow across town, a disabled widow, is going to be able to have food to eat.

The death of any man aged 56 is very sad for his widow and family. And no one would deny that Steve Jobs was a brilliant and highly innovative technician, with great business flair and marketing ability.

When you lose a spouse, you're a widow or widower; when you lose your parents, you're an orphan. When you lose a child, there's no word in the English language for that position, that place that you're left.

You meet a lot of people and have a lot of experiences, and they color you and stay with you - but I'm not the grieving widow. Life is much more complicated and interesting and full of zigs and zags than that.

Black Widow' is a metaphor for this innocent young girl who gets infected with life, traumas, experiences, and the balance of light and darkness. She becomes this poised and powerful creature. That's the album.

I have talked to Debbie Hammond quite a bit, Jim Hammond's wife, his widow. I've seen their kids. And last time we played Dallas, a lot of them came over. It's hard for them to come see the show. It's still hard.

This country owes them all a debt of gratitude. The down payment on that debt is making sure that we live up to Lincoln's charge: to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.

The idea of being a widow brings the thought of your husband dying. I don't really feel that way. I have higher confidence in life after that transition. That's my thought. That's how I feel. I want to keep him alive.

Give us a chance to show you that those so-called protective laws to aid women - however well intentioned originally - have become in fact restraints, which keep wife, abandoned wife, and widow alike from supporting her family.

When I wrote 'The Pregnant Widow' three or four years ago, I tried to reread my first novel, 'The Rachel Papers,' because their young heroes are the same age. I couldn't finish it. It seemed to me so technically slapdash and weak.

She was in a difficult position being the widow of a great American hero, a role that carried high expectations but she did a credible job of continuing Dr King's dream especially in the face of a changing and often hostile American public.

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