Like a four-sided porch I'm open to all winds.

I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies!

Only we should not be influenced by the winds.

She's like a wind-up monkey that winds itself.

The wind always brings us back to the same wall

God provides the wind, Man must raise the sail.

If you pay peanuts, you wind up hiring monkeys.

The flowers talk when the wind blows over them.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.

All is asleep: the army, the wind, and Neptune.

The wind is rising ... we must attempt to live.

The winds of change are blowing across Ontario.

I am a self-taught water skier and wind surfer.

When we have blamed the wind we can blame love.

Wind power is a green mirage of the worst kind.

That's a good way to live, go against the wind.

The wind which snuffs the candle fans the fire.

Always in Alberta there is a fresh wind blowing.

And all winds go sighing For sweet things dying.

I'm older now but still running against the wind

Men are men, vows are words, and words are wind.

And the leaves were telling secrets to the wind.

Every weed's fate is to bow in front of the wind!

One does not argue about The Wind in the Willows.

When I speak My lips feel cold - The autumn wind.

The wind doesn't bother me. I'm in the US Senate.

A sudden gust: How big the world seems in a wind.

A violent wind does not last for a whole morning.

Wind is caused by the trees waving their branches.

Many can brook the weather that love not the wind.

Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it.

His screaming stallions maned with whistling wind.

You should be kissed and by someone who knows how.

The purity of youth will usher in the Divine Wind.

To a close shorn sheep, God gives wind by measure.

The little things are important, Mr. Wind-Up Bird.

You've got to bend with the wind or you're broken.

Breathe soft, ye winds! ye waves, in silence sleep!

O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

I learned how to play mandolin for 'A Mighty Wind!'

This wind is mystical yet tame, and it sings to me.

If you don't have a deal, you wind up losing money.

he stood against the wind and let it peel him clean

No wind blows in favor of a ship without direction.

The grace of God is a wind which is always blowing.

I can't control the wind but I can adjust the sail.

My boy, one small breeze doesn't make a wind storm.

Actions defined a man; words were a fart in the wind

You know what they say, the high trees get the wind.

Don't let the storm take the wind out of your sails.

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