Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too ...

Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing she hath wings.

Dark wings, dark words.

Her glass wings are gone.

O for a horse with wings!

Wraiths! Wraiths on wings!

She soars on her own wings.

A secret spoken finds wings.

Music gives 'wings' to words.

My Wings are a thousand books.

[Pigeons are] rats with wings.

Most right-wing person I know!

I'm spreading my wings at last.

Fear can give you urgent wings.

Words are the wings of actions.

An angel of God never has wings.

I am Left Wing. I am a Humanist.

News is history shot on the wing.

Theology is ignorance with wings.

Frienship is eros...without wings

Horses lend us the wings we lack.

I feel like I grow wings on stage.

Music gives a soul to the universe.

Left wing. Right wing. Chicken wing.

Theatre gives you wings as an actor.

To the heavens on the wings of a pig.

Don't put wings on me; I am no angel.

It is difficult to fly without wings.

Friendship is Love without his wings!

If wishes were wings, pigs would fly.

If wishes had wings, sheep would fly.

Jump, then grow wings on the way down.

I love America. America gave me wings.

Philosophy will clip an angel's wings.

Buffalo wings and cider is all I need.

Joys are our wings, sorrows our spurs.

If you don’t jump, the wings never come.

On wings of wind came flying all abroad.

The GAA is the sporting wing of the IRA.

Spread those strong wings of yours. Fly.

Mere curiosity adds wings to every step.

Leap and grow your wings on the way down

Sadness flies away on the wings of time.

A spirit cannot soar with only one wing.

And another day is tucked under my wing.

A man with no imaginations has no wings.

Without training you will not grow wings.

I'll always be waiting in the wings Bella

Words are the mind's wings, are they not?

Why does she have wings?' So she can fly.

From torched skyscrapers, men grew wings.

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