Shall there be womanly times? Or shall we die?

I like being a woman and having a womanly body.

I love Vivienne Westwood - she designs for womanly shapes.

I've never been a waif; I have a womanly figure and always did.

I feel very strongly that 'curves' are natural, womanly and real.

Your strength is soft, indirect, delicate, tender, womanly. But it is strength just the same.

Maybe studios don't want to see women acting in a way that isn't womanly. Maybe people don't.

It is fatal to be a man or woman pure and simple: one must be a woman manly, or a man womanly.

Women are called womanly only when they regard themselves as existing solely for the use of men.

The true meaning of feminism is this: to use your strong womanly image to gain strong results in society.

Liberals have managed to eliminate the idea of manly honor. Instead, all they have is womanly indignation.

To be meek, patient, tactful, modest, honorable, brave, is not to be either manly or womanly; it is to be humane.

I aspire to be an icon in a womanly, healthy way. I don't want to be some skinny, gaunt model nobody can relate to.

Sing lullabie, as women do,Wherewith they bring their babes to rest;And lullabie can I sing to,As womanly as can the best.

I prefer my body after I've had kids to before. I like a womanly, shapely figure. I'm more secure as a woman. I know who I am.

Men tell us we are womanly when we love but once. Men! They have told us a lot of things to make life comfortable for themselves.

She had a womanly instinct that clothes possess an influence more powerful over many than the worth of character or the magic of manners.

Maybe I'm going from that tomboy-ish state to feeling a bit more womanly. I've enjoyed wearing some fancy frocks. It's nice once in a while.

To be womanly is one thing, and one only; it is to be sensitive to man, to be highly endowed with the sex instinct; to be manly is to be sensitive to woman.

I come from a background where bigger women are appreciated. After all, you can't belly dance with a flat stomach, so my ideal body would be curvy, womanly and voluptuous.

I like clothes that make me feel good. My favourite designers include Michelle Jonas and Dolce & Gabbana. Their clothes make me feel as if I'm Sophia Loren - really womanly.

I'm constantly on the go and have found rushing round after a new born baby is the best form of exercise! I always remind myself that men appreciate a womanly shape and some curves!

Give up the belief that mind is, even temporarily, compressed within the skull, and you will quickly become more manly or womanly. You will understand yourself and your Maker better than before.

Oddly, in this age of the blinding white Oprah pantsuit, when everything is illuminated, it seems a Victorian lace curtain still hangs over the delicate womanly matter of our personal expenditures.

I did suffer from sciatica, which was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. Lots of women love being pregnant and say they feel really womanly, but I felt really ungraceful and struggled a bit with that!

I have a very feminine voice when I write, a very womanly point of view. My last name feels strong and powerful. To me, it's almost a bit masculine. I like the dichotomy of the two. Two sides perfectly represented within my name.

Some persons have lived manly or womanly lives, and they lack but one thing - open confession of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some men think that they must come to him in a certain way - that they must be stirred by emotion or something like that.

Every phase of our life belongs to us. The moon does not, except in appearance, lose her first thin, luminous curve, nor her silvery crescent, in rounding to her full. The woman is still both child and girl, in the completeness of womanly character.

I hate talking about my height, because I don't feel like a tall person... When I see a tall woman, I'm always slightly like, 'Whoa.' It looks weird, but that could be because of my complex about it, my worry over whether it's womanly to be that tall.

I really don't like women who try to be men. All these politicians, I think they're horrendous. We could have a brilliant future, but we have this terrible male vision of destroying everything. They'd better sort themselves out and become more womanly.

I'm 24. I think when I was 18, 19, I had a problem with it because I wanted to look older and more womanly. I look in the mirror and I don't feel or look 14 to myself, regardless of what other people think. I'm fine with it and it really doesn't matter what age I'm playing.

Men have desired, and justly, that women should learn from their confessions in regard to the conflict between man and woman. But woman, because of the conventional conception of womanly purity, has been intimidated from conceding to men a deep insight into her erotic life experiences.

Countless are the women parasites who, to satisfy their craving for pleasure and luxury, impoverish father or husband. These lame limbs in the social organism, which themselves accomplish nothing, but for whom all other limbs work, are the most flagrant example of womanly immorality in the present.

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