Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.

Whenever women catfight, men think it's going to turn to sex.

I have tried sex with both men and women. I found I liked it.

Among men, sex sometimes results in intimacy; among women, intimacy sometimes results in sex.

You can have Asians being leading men that are sex symbols. You can have leading women powering through.

In Finland we have equal political rights for women and men. We do not regard ourselves according to sex.

Woman is the dominant sex. Men have to do all sorts of stuff to prove that they are worthy of woman's attention.

I'm trying to encourage more women to be themselves, rather than what men want them to be. I don't believe in patronizing either sex.

Friends are generally of the same sex, for when men and women agree, it is only in the conclusions; their reasons are always different.

Whatever your opinion on it, 'Sex And The City' was undeniably a show that told stories where the main focus was on women and not on men.

Most men act so tough and strong on the outside because on the inside, we are scared, weak, and fragile. Men, not women, are the weaker sex.

All women's issues are to some degree men's issues and all men's issues are to some degree women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose.

Sexy is the attraction that is given as an encomium to women or men, or the capacity to attract the attention of the opposite sex because of their physical attributes.

I feel like it's the most unnatural thing for two humans, especially of the opposite sex, to live in harmony under one roof. You realize how different men and women are.

Men are able to sustain a career into their 50s and 60s and still present themselves as sex symbols. With women, on the other hand, people say, 'Why doesn't she retire?'

We were so hungry for 'Sex and the City' that even though it was heightened and written by gay men, we just needed to see different women on television. Give us another movie.

In this industry, all the heads of labels are men, but every artist has to prove themselves, regardless of their sex. I have always been very vocal about the women sticking together.

Women are systematically degraded by receiving the trivial attentions which men think it manly to pay to the sex, when, in fact, men are insultingly supporting their own superiority.

Our main reasons for fearing males having sex with males is that you really had to construct a more powerful social role to keep men in their place than you did to keep women in their place.

Boys are more likely than girls to look at the cost-benefit tradeoff of going to college. The imbalance of far more women than men at colleges has been a factor in the various sex scandals that have made news in the last couple of years.

Claude Cahun is a fascinating artist - one of the few women to be part of the surrealist movement, she and her partner Suzanne Malherbe took on men's names and made artworks that investigated female identity long before 'The Second Sex' or Cindy Sherman.

My brother often complains to me about the 'angry Asian male' in the United States. As a female, I haven't encountered this, but Asian-American men are angry. They're angry because, for so many years, they've been neglected as sex symbols. Asian women have it much easier, I think; we're accepted into various circles.

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