I have known great things and wonderful persons, and I have known homage

She's a wonderful, wonderful person, and we're looking to a happy and wonderful night - ah, life.

I met Pele once. I am not often nervous but in this moment I was shaking. He's a wonderful person.

The most wonderful person I met was John Travolta. He's one of the ultimate movie stars of all time.

I'm very proud of my daughter. She accomplished a whole lot in the short time that she had here... she was a very wonderful person.

My musical director, Mark Cherry, is the most wonderful person who ever lived on God's good green Earth. He's my director, he does the arrangements. Really, he does everything - including certain janitorial chores!

Just because a movie is satisfactory means that the person who makes it is satisfactory. One can make a wonderful movie but still not be a wonderful person. In terms of interviews, it's probably not a good idea, because moviemakers tend not to tell the truth, even when asked a question.

You know what it's like. Sometimes, you meet a wonderful person, but it's only for a brief instant. Maybe on vacation or on a train or maybe even in a bus line. And they touch your life for a moment, but in a special way. And instead of mourning because they can't be with you for longer, or because you don't get the chance to know them better, isn't it better to be glad that you met them at all?

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