I'm a big John Woo fan.

Ruby Woo by MAC is my fav.

I am very pleased to be working with director Woo.

A-list stars go to Comic-Con to woo the nerd demographic.

I think all the filmmakers in Hong Kong are influenced by John Woo.

I work way too hard in the gym to woo the judges and just skate by.

I was always such an incredible fan of John Woo, I just wanted to do this film with him.

I was trying for years to woo people through humour, but it seems flash cars are much easier.

The way I see it, if you're going to make an action movie, you've got to make one with John Woo.

I try to woo the person whom I love. Even a good morning call to start the day is good enough for me.

When I think that I'm the only actor from South Korea to have worked with John Woo, it's really humbling.

I love a band that has a banjo, that does group harmonies and yells out the word 'Hey' or 'Woo.' I live for it.

I think most people don't even know what 'woo pig sooie' is if they're not a sports fan or they're not from Arkansas.

I don't like the idea that you're supposed to woo someone by doing things you wouldn't want to do on an everyday basis.

Men are April when they woo, December when they wed. Maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives.

Popularity, I have always thought, may aptly be compared to a coquette - the more you woo her, the more apt is she to elude your embrace.

I had such a good time working with John Woo and John Travolta, and it was so professional. I want to work with people who are real professionals.

I feel like there's a lot of albums that are like 'woo! we're young, let's have fun' and there's a lot of albums that are abstract, with mature lyrics.

Like all kids who want to be in action movies, I want to jump out of a speeding car, shoot guns, slide out the side in slow motion like a John Woo movie.

One, I had never worked with John Woo before and I wanted to see what that was like, and two, Ben Affleck is a friend, so it would be fun to work with him again.

I need someone to woo me. Magazines are always saying I am beautiful and millions of men want to woo me, but none has come forward because they are all so scared.

John Woo is a very nice and kind person; he gives almost no direction at all, trusting me to come up with the character. But when I think of him, I think of explosions!

Woo means the ability to entice someone or something to get what you want. My first solo album was called: All the Woo of the Universe, which was titled by George Clinton.

Our party is the upcoming alternative force in Tamil Nadu and both the ruling AIADMK and DMK are corrupt and both parties used money power to woo voters during Srirangam bypolls.

I'm not a good rapper. For whatever reason, my brain does not work that way. I just do the beginning, like, 'Yeah, yeah! Ha ha! Woo! What up? Come on! Get at me!' I'm Captain Hook.

In a way I think Bill Clinton is more likely to forgive and move on or at least try to woo people who don't love him. But he never really tried to woo the press as much as he might have.

The gospel sets us free to become the romantic leaders of our marriages without fright or hesitation. Because we have been forever wooed by Jesus, we are now free to forever woo our wives.

When I don't feel like getting ready, just a pop of colour on the lips does the trick for me. I have this fond liking for RUBY WOO from Mac. It's a Matte red colour and makes all the difference.

For John Woo, it is quite difficult to make a movie in Hollywood in his own style. Because Hollywood is based on a producer system, it is difficult for a director to express himself using his own style of filmmaking.

I did this one scene in an episode of 'General Hospital', and that was my first job down in L.A. It was, like, my second audition, and I was like, 'Woo! This is easy! This is fun!' That was a really cool moment for me.

In Lincoln's day a President's religion was a very private affair. There were no public prayer meetings, no attempts to woo the Religious Right. Few of Lincoln's countrymen knew anything at all of his religious beliefs.

In France, we don't yet have the craft that American TV does or big studios like Paramount. It was so cool going through those famous gates when you have your own little pass and picture on it. Woo hoo, I'm going to work!

Tell me not of joy: there's none Now my little sparrow's gone; He, just as you, Would toy and woo, He would chirp and flatter me, He would hang the wing awhile, Till at length he saw me smile, Lord! how sullen he would be!

Seven out of my nine films were hits. 80 per cent of the audience loves my films; the remaining 20 per may be right in their opinion, but that doesn't make me wrong. If I try too hard to woo them, I'd be cheating my core audience.

I don't usually try to rely on songs to woo a girl, but I think Coldplay can get a girl in the mood... or make her cry, one or the other. I used to play in cover bands; we sure did our fair share of Coldplay. I like 'Viva La Vida.'

My mother and my great-aunt told me stories, like how when my grandfather first met my grandmother at a party, he noticed her long legs and was like, 'Woo woo!' I like to incorporate those stories into my music. They just seem to fit.

In 'Windtalkers,' the director John Woo is meticulous in melding his own intimate style into the cliches of a large-scale war movie, paying homage to all the tired conventions of the genre. But it's an honor that these cliches don't deserve.

Transparency, accountability and sustainability have become the slogans of the market leaders. Companies carry out environmental and social audits to court the consumer, and even the bluest chips woo organisations such as Greenpeace and Amnesty.

Gen Y is depicted as self-centred and apathetic when it comes to politics, but it doesn't help that we are largely overlooked. There have been policies to woo parents, pensioners and the sick, but the young do not appear to rank high on any political agenda.

Call it a case of observer bias on my part, but Humanist Paganism seems to be an emerging option for those who want to be part of the Pagan community, but who want to be a little more intellectual about their practices, and they really don't care about the 'woo' anymore.

I think, when I started writing songs, my voice just became another tool. It wasn't something that I was going to try desperately to woo a listener. As long as I'm using my voice in a way that helps people understand what I'm trying to say, then I feel like I'm doing all right.

We don't woo our wives with clubs. We don't leave old folks on ice floes. And maybe the time has come to quit diving into rip tides to save people we don't know. We've outgrown a lot of survival-of-the-fittest strategies, and risking our lives for strangers might be one of them.

We're all about girl power and everything, but we cry sometimes, and we're softies, so we can't always be like, 'Woo, girl power. We're going to come dominate the boys, blah blah blah.' That's not always the case, which is why us girls have each other to lean on and give each other advice.

My relationship with Christian Slater is like him and Marisa Tomei in 'Untamed Heart.' 'True Romance' was right when I was beginning to become a fan boy of movies. People forget that he's worked with some of the biggest directors in Hollywood. He's worked with Francis Ford Coppola, Quentin Tarantino, John Woo.

Mr. Idris Elba is amazing! He happens to be British, but what's funny about him is that when he's speaking in his American dialect, he looks like he's a brother from the 'hood. But as soon as he brings out that English thing, I'm like, 'Woo! You look like you're from London. Oh my God!' It's like everything on him changes. He's so cool!

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