However careful a tramp may be to avoid places where there is abundant work, he cannot always succeed.

I've always liked being relatively obscure. I feel that's where I belong, that's where my work belongs.

My desktop is really chaotic, and I'm always trying to work out where I am going to put all these ideas.

Work begets work. I've always taken the jobs - I've tried to take the jobs where the story is full or the characters are full.

I have always wanted to have a cultural centre where people can sort of have a community of artists and like-minded people sharing their work.

Nobody paid any attention career-wise to me in America until 'Bronson.' It gave me a calling card and passage into America, where I've always wanted to work.

Throughout Ireland, there's a brilliant community of filmmakers and actors, and I guess there was always a lure to do some work in the place where I come from.

The title always comes last. What I really work hard on is the beginning. Where do you begin? In what tone do you begin? I almost have to have a scene in my mind.

I try to work out, but a lot of hotels don't have gyms anymore, so I always try to find a local gym where there's not a ton of 'roid-heads, 'cause I can't stand them. It's tough.

For years I drove a big Ford F250 pickup. That was my ride because two-thirds of my work was wood work, and I'm always driving up to Northern California, where I harvest salvaged trees.

What is a struggle is that acting isn't a place where you go to work and you do that thing. There aren't set boundaries, like an office, where you go and work. For me, the work is always on my mind.

It's always crude to link Dickens back to the blacking factory where he was sent to work aged 12 when his father was imprisoned in Marshalsea Prison for bad debt, but it was obviously a huge part of him.

There is always a lot of work going on behind the scenes at a tournament, and that's even more true at the WTA Finals, where we have many activities during the day, and you really have to set everything up.

I had always wanted to become a neurologist, which is one of the most demanding vocations in medicine. Where do you stop, after all, with the brain? How does it function? What are its limits? The work seems unending.

I took opportunities and made it work because I worked harder than everybody else. That's really where 'Stay Hyped' came from, that's my mantra because it's about always being up and being ready to go. That's what I've always had to do.

I have always been interested in garbage: What it says about us. What in there embarrasses us, and what we can't bear to part with. Where it goes and how much of it there is. How it endures. What it might be like to work with it every day.

I'm always gonna be compared to the greatest cats that's in the game, but I lack a little bit less when I'm not as visible as other guys. So I live with that thought right there - yo, you still gotta work, still got more to do. One thing where I come from you gotta remember is, don't get souped up.

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