I just want to work hard and have good fights.

I do actually do good work! And it's hard! And I'm worth it!

You're allowed to work hard and have good things and do good things.

Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.

If you work hard and there's not a good atmosphere, the work doesn't mean a thing.

Most public officials work hard to serve the public good and abide by Oregon's ethics laws.

When you put a lot of hard work into one goal and you achieve it, that's a really good feeling.

I'm like, how do you say, a little version of Tony Parker. But I must work hard to be as good as he is.

That's what I do in my stand-up. I work hard and hone the material and after a while audiences expect what I do to be good.

If you're not willing to work hard, let someone else do it. I'd rather be with someone who does a horrible job, but gives 110% than with someone who does a good job and gives 60%.

There are a lot of good managers out of work because there are only so many jobs out there, and if you get it wrong two jobs running, it's hard to get a third one. That's generally the rule.

It's like going to the gym everyday. It really is. I work hard on my craft, I sweat a little bit, I run a little bit, I might sprain an ankle every now and them, but it's all good and the more you do it, the more in shape you are and it's like a machine.

Ah, 'Kismet,' or Carry On Camel, as we called it. I thought the show was shocking. It was the worst designed production ever but it's got a fantastic score. It's not an awfully good book though. You really have to work hard to eke out any laughs from that script.

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