What's important is to do good work and interesting roles.

The important thing is to do good work, no matter what medium you do it in.

It's important for a woman to feel good in her clothes. It's OK to have curves and to work them.

I think it is important to do good work and last longer than to do lot of work and burn out quickly.

I want to do good work and not take on any movie. I want to do a good movie where I have the most important or very good role.

Showing just the dark side doesn't always work. The important thing is to show what we can learn from dark things, what good we find there.

Talent is obviously very important, but it's also about how you approach the work and, you know, maybe this is a Canadian thing, but it's good to be nice.

I do not come from the industry. But I have realized that it's very important to work with senior directors and good production houses. It makes a lot of difference.

It's not good for anybody if they're out of a team. No one is happy when they're not playing but the most important thing in that situation is to be strong and to work hard.

I think the director is becoming more important. To work under rushed conditions, you need to have an extremely professional director. If the director's good than the end result will be good.

I knew before I came to Arsenal what kind of players were here. And of course, in training, you can see how many good players are here; the most important thing is that we work well as a team - that's the most important thing.

When I was playing in Seattle and Orlando, I did a lot of work with the Ronald McDonald House. I've always had a special thing for kids, and I know how important it is for kids to have good role models. They push us to that next level.

I worked with Dionne Warwick, did shows with Bette Midler, and then I did the 25th anniversary of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with Springsteen at the Garden. It was all important stuff because you want people to know you can work, you can sing, and you can still look good!

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