All great work is preparing yourself for the accident to happen.

Film is just a great medium to express yourself and a great environment to work around.

To work on great material, what you really end up working on is yourself, your own humanity.

It's a great thing when you feel that you recognize yourself, deeply and movingly, in a work of literature.

The more and more I work with really great actors, the more it's about opening yourself up to what they bring.

You can't read to yourself. It's your inner ear that hears a poem. If you hear a poet read his own work, it becomes very exciting. The melody is a great part of it.

The great thing about chess is it's a game for oneself. You don't work on what you can't control, you just work on yourself. And I think if more people did that, we'd all be a lot better off.

If you really want to be an actress, go to school. I think it's great what people are doing on YouTube, but don't forget to go to class. Have a vision for yourself, but don't forget to do the work.

I assumed that, if I put my head down and did great work, what I deserved would come to me. What you deserve will not come to you. It is only in advocating for yourself that you will receive what you deserve.

I've learned several lessons over the years. First, never take yourself too seriously, or work is boring. Next, people make the difference. You can have great technology, but if it's not complemented by great people, it won't go anywhere. Finally, customers buy from people they like.

A great manager is someone who says, 'You come to work with me, and I'll help you be as successful as possible; I'll help you grow. I'll help you make sure you're in the right role; I'll provide the relationship for you to understand and know yourself. And I want you to be more successful than me.'

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