I struggled many times when maybe it didn't look like I was struggling, and I had to work hard every day.

Just work out. Don't be lazy. If you take a day off, you're going to be fat and you're going to look terrible.

Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work.

Just because I made it look easy doesn't mean that it was and you don't work hard and become a Hall of Famer without working day in and day out.

I work every day from 9:30 or so until lunchtime. In the afternoons, I become a normal person - go shopping and do the garden and look after my grandchildren.

The day before I work, I don't like to even look at the script and let whatever happens happen on the set. But I do prepare a lot. I'm a big believer in that.

I feel we're at risk that a whole generation of young Israelis, who went to the army, work hard, pay taxes, one day will look around and say, 'Hey, this country is going nowhere.'

What we don't need to work toward is polarizing America any greater than it is. Look, I'm up here in Washington, D.C., in the Congress of the United States, and we have, all day, a lot of verbal vomit that is doing enormous damage.

I go through periods where I don't really care what I look like, because I feel more focused on the work that I'm doing, and I don't want to think about it. And then sometimes it feels like the biggest part of my day is getting dressed.

If I was prime minister for a day the first thing I would do would be to close the border. Then we could work out how many people we've got here. Then you get people out who have committed crimes and you look at others who shouldn't be here. Nobody knows how many people we've got here.

I look at old performers like James Brown: back in the day when you actually had to work hard to get poppin'. I look at all those types of performers. Even like Kid n' Play and the Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff and Salt-N-Pepa. That era where they had to perform. You couldn't just rap. It had to be an entire performance.

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