I am a Zionist.

Gregory Lee Johnson was an idiot.

Facts cannot be replaced by opinion.

Social revolutions are never simple.

I studied math, and I was terrible at it.

I do not deal with threats and ultimatums.

Yeshivas barely teach any Bible, only Talmud.

Israeli citizens deserve full-time ministers.

I am a man of tomorrow, but I also live my past.

Being a Jew and an Israeli are inseparable things.

Politics - when it's not cynical, it can be a creation.

People in Israel are sick and tired of the old politics.

Any man who is not a communist at the age of 20 is a fool.

I used to have so many opinions before I learned the facts.

Every Jew is my brother, and I will not succumb to hate speech.

If you want to do stuff, you have to be able to handle controversy.

When someone doesn't react to changes, the changes turn against him.

I'm not telling you what to do on the Sabbath, and you won't tell me.

Netanyahu needs to stand before the Israeli public and say, 'I failed.'

Jerusalem will remain under Israeli sovereignty and will not be divided.

In politics, there is only one crime that is unforgivable - showing weakness.

If you want to change a country, you're going to be bumped every now and then.

The State of Israel was not established by anxiety but, rather, through pride.

Children believe that if they just want something badly enough, it will happen.

You want private education for your students? No problem whatsoever; pay for it.

There's always a reason not to do anything... to flee the need to make decisions.

Hebrew is the language I use to thank the Creator and, also, to swear on the road.

People like to invent enemies. It spares us the need to address complex worldviews.

Israel can't be the only country in the Western world not to have freedom of religion.

Instead of personal security, citizens are afraid to walk down the street in Jerusalem.

The Human Rights Organisation deceives the world by calling itself a human rights council.

As opposed to journalists, politicians cannot make do with questions. They must also offer answers.

One of the greatest fears of the Arab world is a direct conflict between Israel and the Islamic State.

I don't feel we need a declaration from the Palestinians that they recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

The Left doesn't understand the importance of God in the Israeli public discourse, and Yesh Atid does.

Jewish existence in the Land of Israel depends only on the Jews, and on what the Jews think of themselves.

The Israeli media are very important to me. I've been part of them and they a part of me all my adult life.

One of the things that hold together a human society is the existence of basic politeness among its members.

When you look at the history of wars, they ultimately revolve around one claim: "My god is better than yours."

Israeli teachers are not required to hold an academic degree, and their salaries are the lowest in the Western world.

Arab society features apartheid of women, apartheid of homosexuals, and apartheid of Christians, Jews, and democracy.

I don't think Israel's becoming more religious, I think its politics is becoming more religious. There's a difference.

The Golan Heights is an area in the north of the State of Israel that has no part in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israel was founded as a refuge for the Jewish people, but today it isn't a safe place. It is safer to be Jew in New York.

I don't reject caution, but you also have to be careful about caution because there's a stage when it turns into paralysis.

The State of Israel was not established so that the anti-Semites will disappear but, rather, so we can tell them to get lost.

The greatest tragedy of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is that everyone knows how it will end. We will divide up the region.

Israel's middle class is paying for those below it, and that's fine, but also for those who are above it, and that's very wrong.

I felt that we had become a society ruled by sectors, by interest groups: Whoever's connected to the Israeli government gets more.

Judaism shouldn't be the jailhouse of ideas but a liberator of ideas; not a disintegrator of people but what brings people together.

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