Hard work pays off. The harder you work, the more people will notice.

Call it what you will, incentives are what get people to work harder.

I will try to work very hard not to disappoint the people of South Africa.

I'm not the kind of guy who will blame other people if things don't work out.

When you're more valuable, the people around you will do more to make it work.

From now on, I will work with other people's material if it fits where I want to go.

Homer's work hits again and again on the topos of the inexpressible. People will always do that.

If you engage people honestly, and you're willing to do the leg work, people will respond to that.

If people don't want blue-collar work, our labour costs will remain high and our competitiveness low.

We will wash and clean the ANC, and it will be the ANC you know. The ANC that will work for the people.

You can't do your work worrying about what people will think of it - you kind of just have to do your work.

There will be people who don't like you or aren't convinced. I'd rather let my work talk than justify in words.

When you're nice, people like you and will want to work with you. But it can mean that they take you for granted.

I've always kinda wanted to work with Morgan Freeman, Tom Cruise, and people like that. Probably Will Smith, too.

Paul Ryan is the establishment tool in D.C. that tries to splinter groups and does not work for the will of the people.

I think of my own work as part of a decades-long conversation about books and reading with people I will mainly never meet.

Eventually, the economy will work well when you reduce subsidies. People have got used to getting some handouts from governments.

Fame will go away; people will not have interest in your work anymore. That has to happen. To overcome, all you can do is reinvent and work hard.

The problem for many people with disabilities is not that we are not able to work a certain number of hours a week. It's that no-one will let us.

While others have walked away from their responsibilities, the Sinn Fein team will work with the other ministers in partnership to deliver for all the people.

So I will stand more steadfastly for the things I stand up for, like people who work for a living. I'd like to be able to stand that way when I go to Congress.

Everything is harder when you are a Nordestino. You have to work harder than anybody else because people will be judging you with much less mercy than the other players.

We need to inspire and give each other confidence so that the work we do will be fruitful for the well-being of the people and the stability and security of the country.

People are mistaken if they think the Foreign Office can get you out of jail. We can't, but we will work hard to try and ensure your safety, and that you get a fair trial.

I like how steady the work in television is. Films, they're hard to come by. They're elusive. I've done a couple, independently financed. You do them, and maybe a few people will see them.

It isn't the rich people's fault that poor people are poor. Poor people who get an education and work hard in this country will stop being poor. That should be the goal for all poor people everywhere.

I think you just have to cross your fingers that there's enough artists out there that keep producing interesting work, and eventually it will form a kind of wave that will force people to pay attention to it.

I will talk to anybody about 'Survivor's Remorse' because I'm proud of the show and the actors and directors and the entire crew. I just like doing the work, and I want people watching the show so we can make more.

Your intuition will tell you where you need to go; it will connect you with people you should meet; it will guide you toward work that is meaningful for you - work that brings you joy, work that feels right for you.

In many ways, Scotland will benefit more than other parts of the UK when Universal Credit comes in. A larger percentage of people will see an increase in their income through moving into work or taking on more hours.

We've very steadily and single-mindedly been building the bureau so that we can do the work that, quote, Congress required us to do and that the American people have every reason to expect, and deserve, that we will do.

People often assume that the same approach will work for everyone, that the same habits will work for everyone, and that everyone has the same aptitude and appetite for forming habits, but from my observation, that's not true.

That area environmentally is a waste. You can't do anything. I don't care if the Sierra Club goes out there. It is fully polluted! You're not only going to work to clean up the environment, but also you will put people to work.

There are jobs that American citizens will not do. We can talk about why that is. We can talk about how our welfare state is broken, how we encourage people not to work, but that doesn't help the farmer pick his peaches this summer.

I don't enjoy writing newspaper articles any more than people like reading them. I'm a standup comic, not a journalist, although sometimes onstage I will say: 'What else is in the news?' Writing is work, which I'm not comfortable with.

Many counties in Maryland are above the average unemployment rate for both Maryland and the United States. We need representation in Congress who will make creating jobs the No. 1 priority so the people of Maryland can get back to work.

We will say to people that if you can work, and if you want to work, we will do everything we can to help you. We will give you the training, we will give you the support, we will give you the advice to get you going and get you back at work.

We're very specific when we're drawing work plans. We think about the chances of when a person gets off the elevator where they will go. We think about how people get to a coffee machine, when they go and get their lunch, when they go to the bathroom.

I mean, I enjoy my work as an actor. But to make a difference in people's lives through advocacy and through supporting research - that's the kind of privilege that few people will get, and it's certainly bigger than being on TV every Thursday for half an hour.

I will work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to preserve the Social Security promise that provides secure retirement benefits for all, especially those who are most at risk such as widows, orphans, and people with disabilities when the need arises.

Different kind of cinema is being created, people are coming up with different kind of scripts, they are able to come up with scripts that work with the audiences and also scripts which will have something to say to the audience, which is a heart-warming thing.

I thought I had to work at someplace everybody's heard of. It was never, 'I'm interested in such and such. I want to work in such and such magazine.' It was like, 'Oh, my G-d, I really need to work for somebody so people will think I'm OK.' So I got a job at 'Popular Mechanics'.

Ignoring party leaders in order to sway public opinion may work in countries where elected representatives are responsive to their constituencies. But in Mexico, members of the legislature cannot be reelected, so their destinies depend less on the will of the people than on party bosses.

I think that solving the job impact of AI will require significant private and public efforts. And I think that many people actually underestimate the impact of AI on jobs. Having said that, I think that if we work on it and provide the skill training needed, then there will be many new jobs created.

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