It feels nice when people recognise you and talk about your work.

It's a lovely thing to have people in any circumstance appreciate your work.

Acting is very subjective and one can't be deterred by what people think of your work.

It's nice having your work recognized but having people follow you around is kinda weird.

People's behaviour towards you changes when your films don't work. It's a painful period.

With 'American Idol,' you are on your toes a lot. People don't realize the amount of work.

If you're passionate about your work, it makes the people around you want to be involved too.

Work hard to achieve integrity in your work and your relationships with the people you work with.

The more you work, the more people see your work and would like to work with you, and vice versa.

It's very important to like the people you work with. Otherwise, your job is going to be quite miserable.

People say you have to work on your resentments. Yeah, no, I'm gonna hang onto them and they're gonna fuel my attack.

If acting with other people is in your plans, then you need to learn how to work with other people to build a comedic premise.

When you work on an album for three and a half years, you're kind of ready for it to get out there. To have your songs reach people.

As a producer, you want your product to reach the maximum people. That has become a system, and to work on it has become a necessity.

You try to work with the director and your fellow actors to get somewhere, but other people are the judge of whether you hit that note right.

I think ethnic and regional labels are insulting to writers and really put restrictions on them. People don't think your work is quite as universal.

In these litigious times, if you're a beginner, it's becoming harder and harder to get your work to the people who might actually be able to hire you.

The TV work is so dynamic. You are in front of the cameras, but you are also educating people and genuinely really excited about showing off your products.

As an artist, you want as many people as possible to see your work with no interference. And usually, I've gone onto fringe channels: BBC Two, HBO, Channel 4.

A lot of actors want to do a solo release, but not many people go and watch it. The more you work with different actors and producers, the more your work reaches people.

I go out very rarely in Paris. If it's a fashion party at a nightclub, I wouldn't dream to go. People come to you for your work, not because you go to all their parties.

There are a lot of critics out there, a lot of people that you want to prove wrong. But that's what your hard work is for in the offseason, spending hours and hours in the gym.

Your most precious possession is not your financial assets. Your most precious possession is the people you have working there, and what they carry around in their heads, and their ability to work together.

When I looked at people like Goya and Pina Bausch, the message I got was just do what you're passionate about. Don't think about what other people are going to say or how they're going to receive your work. Just be your work.

A film set is really delicate and people treat you very very well if you're an actor because they want you to be as comfortable as possible for you to do your work, but it really is just one in a team of many and usually 150 people.

Back in the '40s and early '50s, building simple electronic projects was a popular hobby of many people. Back then, you could buy, you know, a few parts and - with tubes and build something on your kitchen table, and it would actually work.

The machine of awards season is very stressful. But this is the Oscars! It's your peers, your heroes, people you admire, the people who inspired you to get into this work in the first place. It's a pretty overwhelming feeling when you think about it.

Researchers found that sharing your workout results - whether it's through actually being friends on a specific app or calling friends to tell them how you did, even posting your results on a social platform - usually pushes people to work even harder.

I've played different nationalities, and everything from vulnerable to strong to crooked to demented. It just increases your possibilities of work because, if people know you can do just about anything, then you're going to get more offers. That's what I want to do.

You never know how your work is going to be received, and to have it be not just received by the people who wanted it or knew about it or our traditional fan base, which is pretty big, but also having it spill over to everybody who plays games, and then those people telling everybody else who doesn't play games - that's what it became.

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