Good late-night humor can work at any time of the day.

It's a job and we're going to work together for six months, so let's have a good time.

People work hard all week at their jobs. I want people watching TV to have a good time.

I wanted to put in the time and the work, because eventually it pays off in a good way.

It's not about my career now. It's just about finding great work and having a good time.

That's why charity work is very selfish at the same time, because it makes you feel good.

I'm a good dad and a fair husband and I work quite a bit. That takes up a fair amount of time.

You have to hustle and work hard, but we have been fortunate with big crowds and having a good time.

My work has also motivated me to put a lot of time into seeking out good food and to spend more money on it.

I hardly ever missed school, and I always got my work in on time. I was a good student and always got top grades.

I want to stretch myself as much as I can whilst I can, just work and try all different things and have a good time.

A lot of time, you play well and you do good work, but you are not on a good team, so it really doesn't mean anything.

You feel good if you've done hard work. You sleep better. You get stuck in your head if you have too much time to think.

I can work on a verse for a very long time before realising it's not any good and then, and only then, can I discard it.

After you've done all the work and prepared as much as you can, what the hell, you might as well go out and have a good time.

I have more time to work; I just do. Because once your kids are up and running, that frees you up a good 20, 30, hours a week.

Sometimes, films that you do with a lot of care and look good at the time of signing may not work out for some reason or other.

I think the work process' - composers do not get enough time to make a good song. That's the one thing which needs to be changed.

I just had a really good time when I did my voice work for 'Call of Duty.' I've had nothing but great interaction with Activision.

Don't be afraid to take time to learn. It's good to work for other people. I worked for others for 20 years. They paid me to learn.

I enjoy going to work and having a good time. It's tough when you got to work with people who just are in a bad mood all the damn time.

The guy who shows up on time, who has a good work ethic, network executives and producers know that. It's a very small industry we work in.

Most artists work all the time, they do actually, especially good artists, they work all the time, what else is there to do? I mean you do.

I realized that work doesn't beget work. Good work begets work. So I got a lot more patient and stopped worrying about working all the time.

I'm not a party person or someone who likes to sit and drink in clubs all night, and never really have been. I have a good time through work.

I think we all do have a guardian angel. I believe they work through us all the time, when we are thoughtful and good and kind to each other.

I wish someone had got hold of me and said, 'You know, children are really good fun. You will have a fantastic time, and you will still work.'

A great way to get your rhythm playing together is to work with a drummer, preferably someone that has a good groove and plays solidly in time.

I had such a good time working with John Woo and John Travolta, and it was so professional. I want to work with people who are real professionals.

It's important to me if I'm having a good time than I feel like the work is better. The quality of it is better and my level of interest is higher.

I think it's very hard for coaches to work with me. They'll no doubt have a good CV afterwards, but at the same time they're under a lot of pressure.

I stopped getting nervous a long time ago, so any time I do get nervous, which is rare - about work, anyway - I always take that as a really good sign.

I'm aware of how lucky I am. Being able to make pretty good money, and get to do a lot of fun work, and at the same time I'm not besieged by photographers.

We have such a good time working together. It makes such a difference going to work every day for 14 hours and being able to hang out and have a good time.

Promoting is a no-no - that's hard work. Training is a full-time job, but I don't have time to do that full-time. But managing is something I'll be good at.

You need to have the same ideas to work as a team, to have a good team spirit. And you don't get there in a day or even a month. It takes some time to get there.

I think the most difficult part is being patient for good work to come. Sometimes, you feel like giving up if things don't materialise in a short period of time.

When I released 'Veteran' and the reception was good, it was the first time I ever worked really hard on something and had that hard work reciprocated back to me.

I want the fans to be able to recognise I am doing something good for the club, but at the same time, I want to work hard for the team and make sure we win games.

People in the South are very organised and are thorough professionals besides being good paymasters. They are very disciplined and start and wrap up work on time.

But I remember feeling as a producer I felt like the guy who called the caterer and got the band; I had to work the party while everybody else was having a good time.

We work the full year round to make 10 or 12 episodes, and 'The Good Wife' makes, like, 26 in that time or something, which I can't believe. I don't know how they do it.

I never don't have a good time. Even when I go to work with a cold or a sore throat, as soon as I hit the mark and walk out that door, everything else is gone, and I'm up.

It's all about always putting in that time and that work and also, separating yourself for the better. Put yourself around good things, better people, and things like that.

I want to have a good time myself. I don't want to dread going to work no matter what the gig is. I think, selfishly, I will make sure that I have a good time; how about that?

Def Leppard is obviously a different band that we are, but the music work well tighter. And the audiences seem work well together too. We are opening, but we're having a good time.

It takes a long time to get good at something, so it's important to begin as early as possible so that we can improve and begin to see the compounding benefits of the work over time.

Every time I work with a star, I learn a lot. Also, I teach a lot because I'm a shoemaker, a designer. I'm born with a pencil in my hand. For old teenagers like me it's good to learn.

I really do not see why there is not a splendid field for good work on the music hall stage, and if I did not have my own theatre taking up my time, I should rather like to go into it.

As good as 'Twin Peaks' was, and I mean, it's a superb work that's way ahead of its time, and we've never caught up, and we never will... I mean, we will never catch up to 'Twin Peaks.'

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