I walk to work, so boots are a staple for me.

Once I walked out of my house into to the Puerto Rican Day parade. It was usually a five-minute walk to work, but that day it took me a half-hour to get to 30 Rock.

I wish I could walk into a room and feel superior and have my nose up at everybody, but I can't, because I know I'm just a huge nerd, and that wouldn't work for me.

When I was a kid, my parents never let me use race as an excuse. They'd say, 'When you walk into a room and it's all white, those kids have to work to stand out, not you.'

I can work with shyness, but for the most part I want people to feel comfortable with me. It's really more about the photographer feeing comfortable right when they walk in that makes the subject feel comfortable.

The two most exciting things for me to get to work on 'The Wolverine' was getting to work with James Mangold, the director who directed '3:10 to Yuma' and 'Walk the Line' as well as getting to work with Hugh Jackman.

My mother had been a country and western singer but when she moved out to Hollywood found it very difficult to get work so when I was born they put me into dance classes and singing classes as soon as I could walk actually.

I loved to go hunting out in the woods and hiking, and that's just not easy anymore. For me, to walk up and down hills in the rough terrain, it just doesn't work very well. It can, but it's three times as hard as it used to be.

As an Internet celebrity Nutritionist, its wonderful to be sitting in a café in Northern Italy and have a total stranger come up and thank me for me work. But I must say that it certainly keeps me personally walking the walk that I talk.

I can walk down the street, and 85 percent of the people on the block are really quite oblivious to me. They either think I'm probably an actor or else I installed their storm windows two years ago, or I work at their bank, or maybe I'm their cousin Marie's gynecologist. Then, to the other 15 percent of those people on the street, I'm a rock star.

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