I've set no world record.

It's a great feat for me to have broken my world record.

If anybody wants to beat me, let them run a world record.

I don't know how you keep the world record holder off your team.

It's something special to break the world record at the Olympics.

The most important thing is winning, not breaking the world record.

I think if you come first with a new world record, that is the best.

When we race in London a world record will be the last thing on our minds.

I'm the first from Ethiopia getting 1500-meter world record; that is amazing.

When I lost my decathlon world record I took it like a man. I only cried for ten hours.

I'm probably a lot more closer in the 1500m to the world record than I am in the 5000m.

I'd like to go out on top, preferably breaking a new world record on the Fourth of July.

I always try to do better than I have before, so I think it would be good to break the world record.

Until maybe my coworker makes a six-and-a-half-foot Nerf gun, I'm the proud holder of a world record.

I guess I set a world record for errors. I had a pretty good arm, see, but I didn't have much control.

Breaking the world record has always been in the works. I just need the right conditions and I can make it.

I'm very happy to have set a world record in Tallinn. Estonians sure do love athletics and combined events!

I felt so relaxed. It just felt very easy, and that's why it surprised me that I had broken my world record.

I have been dreaming of an outdoor world record forever. Now I want them all: the 1500, the 5000, even the 800.

I felt I was never going to beat Igor Ter-Ovanesyan or Ralph Boston because they were the joint world record holders.

You don't want people thinking you're a cheat just because you're really fast and have broken the world record by a second.

I want to learn how to play an instrument. I want to break a world record. I'm just a very determined, motivated type of person.

The world record will come to me when I run the world record race. I'm just trying to perfect my race. I'm looking for perfection.

When you take the world record, a lot of people are going to go out there to get you, really. I kind of enjoy that. I like being chased.

I am just going to try to run my personal best. If it comes as a world record, I would appreciate it. But I would treat it as a personal best.

For me, I've not really focused on a world record. I'm just trying to put a complete race together, and when I do that, then fast times will come.

Adam Peaty is far and away the best swimmer in the world, and he's British. He set a world record - but the day after we were talking about my dress.

Breaking the world record in '92 was a very special personal moment, but I'd say my favorite moment as a decathlete was winning the Olympic gold medal.

I always saw hurdles as a form of art, because it's very individual. One technique that may produce a world record for one guy could be useless for another guy.

The heptathlon world record is nice, but the decathlon is the event. I think the heptathlon is more like a practice. There is something completely different about the decathlon.

I can't be disappointed with my first gold in a senior championship, and to score 5000 points, which only one other woman, the world record holder, has got over, I am satisfied.

I always think it's because of you know hard work, hard training. And if Susie's training hard, you know, why can't I train hard to get a world record. I'm doing the same thing.

I have done 33 films in one year, for which I hold a Guinness Book World record. Plus I've done songs for all languages from Hindi to Malayalam, Punjabi to Telugu, and Kannada to Oriya.

When my world record got broken in 1999, it hurt a little bit, to say the least. But I was in a leg brace at the time and I had just had knee surgery and I couldn't do anything about it.

In Gujarat, we had the world record of largest number of chess games in a single venue - 20,500 - and in Tamil Nadu, I have been emphasizing on the positives of chess to the authorities.

Records are there to be broken. Lots of people would love to swap their world record for an Olympic medal, but for me, my medals are there forever and ever, and that's what does it for me.

I had a great season and truly enjoyed competing around the world - from Monaco, where I managed to establish a world record, to Beijing, where I finally captured my first world outdoor title.

I have a science YouTube channel where I will sometimes use my engineering skills to build things such as the world's largest Super Soaker or the Guinness World Record world's largest Nerf gun.

The world record is like you we went to the theater to see this movie, and it was really good, and it had an unexpected ending, and you left the theater saying, 'Wow, that was such a great movie.'

There is always anxiety before a competition and it was no different for me today. It was only in the third round, with about 40 targets left, that I realised I could match the world record score.

If I could set a world record, it would be that I have 150 business partners, all with thriving businesses of their own that started with nothing and I made the difference to make them all billionaires.

No matter what, like, I couldn't - I could break a world record, get an Olympic gold medal, and my mom would be, like, you could have done better. But you looked pretty. That's what she says all the time.

Many people know that Ethiopia is poor. When I break a world record, maybe people get to know something else about Ethiopia, something good. We can't make planes or cars, we don't have the materials. We do what we can.

And as - funny enough, it actually became - so I've always wanted to be a Guinness world record holder. And believe it or not, before I made this there was not a category for world's largest Nerf gun, but there is now.

I called Daley Thompson after the Games of '84, when he won. He'd had this phenomenal decathlon for nine events - and then he went out there and jogged the 1,500 meters and missed the world record by, like, three points.

Delhi is special for me because I made my world record here. We were playing against France at Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium when I hit the fastest drag-flick in the world during the London Olympics qualifications in 2012.

What I will say is that there is no governing body in strongman. There's no federation. There's no group of people or person that overlooks the sport, or says that this is a world record, or 'we'll count this as a world record.'

The London games mark the 24th anniversary of my winning two golds and setting the world record in the heptathlon. Someone is going to want it; records are made to be broken - it's only a matter of time. I hope mine will outlive me.

I missed the final of the World Championships in 2009, but I told the coach I would break the world record in 2010. Which I did. Then in 2011 I won the World Championships and now in 2012 it is the Olympics. That is how I have been working.

But I'm after medals more than anything. Championships don't get taken away from you but records do, so I think I'd rather have medals at every championships rather than times. A world record would be a bonus, but I'm still only 25 in 17 days.

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