Guilt is the thief of life.

I don't know what I believe.

My life is not my own business.

I've got a great sense of humor.

I'm composing and writing music.

The reward is in the doing of it.

I never make conscious decisions.

I'm the slowest driver in the world.

I love life because what more is there?

Getting old ain't for the faint of heart.

I don't have a vast longing for the stage.

I'm devious, cruel, cunning and addictive.

I think doubt is a very healthy way to live.

I don't know what acting is, but I enjoy it.

It was a challenge, to work with Oliver Stone.

Acting's entertainment. It's not brain surgery.

I love to have a laugh. I like to tease people.

Keep low expectations and life gets pretty good.

There's many a good tune played by an old banjo.

I'm not a health freak. I just work out every day.

My life turned out to be beyond my greatest dreams.

Jonathan Demme is a very sharp editor of his movies.

I’m not young anymore. I don’t wanna start over again.

Well, everyone likes movies when they're a little kid.

Beware the tyranny of the weak. They just suck you dry.

Life's too short to deal with other people's insecurities.

I tend to get bored quickly, which means I must be boring.

I don't mind being a commodity. It's given me a good life.

At my age, any day above ground and vertical is a good day.

I always distrust the word art when it is applied to acting.

I don't have any [favourite role]. I'm just a working actor.

I learn poetry, learn text, and that really keeps you alive.

I'm always cast in these strange men... that's not me, really.

I have dual citizenship, it just so happens I live in America.

I don't like freeloaders; I don't like people who are negative.

I'm fascinated by the fact that we can't grasp anything about time.

I never cling on to hope or certainty. They're the enemies of peace.

I worked with Lawrence Olivier some years ago. He was a great mentor.

My father was grounded, a very meat-and-potatoes man. He was a baker.

By giving up 'the need' and 'the want', things begin to happen for you

The movie industry is full of crazy people who think that they are god.

Women never really care to face the truth when their hearts are involved.

I was hell bent on destruction... it was like being possessed by a demon.

I hope I would not be so arrogant as to doubt anyone's religion or belief.

I am able to play monsters well. I understand monsters. I understand madmen.

I've got no need to prove to myself that I can do Shakespeare. I've done it.

If you don't follow through on your dreams, you might as well be a vegetable.

If you don't go when you want to go, when you do go, you'll find you've gone.

My weak spot is laziness. Oh, I have a lot of weak spots: cookies, croissants.

There is nothing to be scared of in movies. It's a bit scarier going on stage.

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