Honorary degrees and lifetime achievement awards are very ...

Honorary degrees and lifetime achievement awards are very encouraging. I know that it might sound strange that a writer who has published many books still needs encouragement, but this is true.

This is a strange game.

Strange world isn't it?

Film is a strange thing.

Turn and face the strange.

People are pretty strange.

We live in a strange bubble.

Loneliness is a strange gift.

War makes strange bedfellows.

I do a lot of strange things.

Hollywood is a strange place.

Fame is a very strange animal.

Stranger in a strange country.

What a strange turn of events.

Painting is a strange business.

She had eyes like strange sins.

Poverty has strange bedfellows.

Now I know why I am so strange!!

Everywhere I go, I feel strange.

I´m a stranger in a strange land.

Politics make strange bedfellows.

Love makes you do strange things.

Beauty can come in strange forms.

Hitchcock had a very strange mind.

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

I, myself, am strange and unusual.

Thou strange piece of wild nature!

I always liked strange characters.

Adversity makes strange bedfellows.

The White House is a strange place.

purple does something strange to me

What a long strange trip it's been.

I come from a pretty strange family.

What strange creatures brothers are!

Politics makes strange post-masters.

I don't like to go to strange places.

Strange thoughts beget strange deeds.

The werewolf film is a strange thing.

You certainly do have strange dreams.

My teenage life was a little strange.

Change is always a little bit strange.

Being in love is a very strange thing.

I just like going into strange worlds.

Fate has a strange way of making plans.

Conducting is a strange thing to teach.

I am not strange. I am just not normal.

Strange are the ways of human behavior.

Life is strange, but F1 is simply crazy.

Physical beauty is such a strange thing.

It's the strange world.' 'The strangest.

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