I went to school on Senior Skip Day.

I sometimes skip meals when I travel.

The art of reading is to skip judiciously.

I try to leave out the parts readers skip.

Eat kale sometimes, but skip it as a trend.

I measure the moment in the heartbeats I skip

Leave out the parts that readers tend to skip.

I don't skip meals, because I get blood sugary.

You gotta climb the steps... you can't skip them

Skip James, for me, is the meaning of the blues.

When I watch films, I skip songs. I don't like them.

Drink the first. Sip the second slowly. Skip the third.

I skip through the programming to watch the commercials.

While people brood, time skips ahead without looking back.

I lie to myself every day when I tell myself, 'I can skip yoga.'

Do not be afraid to skip equations (I do this frequently myself).

I don't enjoy being in Europe for weeks on end, so I just skip it.

I have to be honest about this, I do skip leg day once in a while.

I used to skip school and paint my face with Ace Frehley Kiss make-up.

I didn't like school. Every day, it was a toss-up whether I'd go or skip.

A viewer who skips the advertising is the moral equivalent of a shoplifter.

You can't skip a step and assume you're going to get to where you want to be.

It took me a year to make the decision to go pro and skip college and give up that.

Sometimes I skip breakfast, pop to the butcher and get sunburned while cooking meat.

Medicine, you have to take it. A vitamin is nice to have, but honestly, you can skip it.

I wouldn't say I'm addicted, but I never, ever skip yoga. I use it to calm down and slow down.

Do not skip meals. Eat three meals a day and eat until you feel satisfied and comfortably full.

I used to skip breakfast, but eating gets my metabolism going, so I burn more calories all day.

Like lycanthropy, the nerd gene can skip a generation. My maternal grandfather was a technophile.

If there's one thing Eagles and Giants fans can agree on, it's a mutual disdain for Skip Bayless.

Skip the religion and politics, head straight to the compassion. Everything else is a distraction.

The Internet won't skip a beat, and neither will I. Technology is constantly changing and evolving.

Many blue-collar families struggling to pay rent would be happy to skip paying optional union dues.

I am from the Bantu people, and Skip James's music sounded like Bantu music and really talked to me.

The first sign builders are on their way is when - hey, presto! - a skip appears outside your house.

I can't write every day. I have to skip a day in between. If I try to do it every day, nothing comes.

I work out with my trainer at 5 A. M. three times per week and I also skip dessert - most of the time.

I still think the best classic meal in New York is a coffee-shop breakfast - you sort of can't skip it.

So I rang up a local building firm, I said 'I want a skip outside my house.' He said 'I'm not stopping you.'

Constant deprivation is no way to live. Don't always skip the delicious stuff for raw carrots and brown rice.

I like records that flow really well and you don't have to skip around because there's lot of different jumps.

I'm a fan of records. I'm a fan of listening to something cover to cover and not wanting to skip over anything.

I'd skip school regularly to see movies - even in the morning, in the small Parisian theaters that opened early.

I am someone who is a fitness freak, I wouldn't skip the gym and eat whatever I want because I have to look fit.

I thought of calorie-counting as a budget: I was happy to skip bread at dinner so I could 'spend' on a glass of wine.

Canadians complain too much. 'I like seasons.' So do I; that's why I live in a place that skips the [unpleasant] ones.

I've been an engineer, barman, skip lorry driver, coalman, boat window manufacturer, contract grass cutter and builder.

It is a tremendous act of violence to begin anything. I am not able to begin. I simply skip what should be the beginning.

My idea of a holiday was following my family up the hill with my pekinese, who would skip over the heather in front of me.

I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.

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