Don't get all sentimental on me, Makes me think I'm gonna die.

I didn't realise that Ridley Scott has never won an Academy Award.

I just try to be honest and true to the character and play the part.

I’ve found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks.

Writing is a weapon and it’s more powerful than a fist could ever be.

Every punch that's thrown is mine. Every punch that's caught, I catch.

You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That's a part of it.

I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it.

In my humble opinion, in the nuclear world, the true enemy is war itself.

I and haven't been unemployed for 20 years. I'm an exception to the rule.

I work hard for the audience. It's entertainment. I don't need validation.

You have to grab moments when they happen. I like to improvise and ad lib.

I'm a logic monster, if things don't make sense I gotta make sense of them.

Raising the standard of the work, not complaining about somebody not voting.

Dreams without goals, are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment.

I'm not in the loop; I don't know any actors, really, just the ones I work with.

What's a celebrity anyway? Paris Hilton's a celebrity. I'm just a working actor.

Any good piece of material like Shakespeare ought to be open to reinterpretation.

Money doesn't buy happiness. Some people say it's a heck of a down payment, though.

It's not easy for me to admit that I've been standing in the same place for 18 years.

If you have an enemy, then learn and know your enemy, don't just be mad at him or her.

Where I think the most work needs to be done is behind the camera, not in front of it.

Goals on the road to achievement cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency.

In the movie I realized, I had the luxury of getting to see how the other person feels.

Hate, hatred for yourself, for other people, will confine you, but love can set you free.

I try to encourage actors to work harder off screen because that's where you find things.

The secret to a happy marriage? Do whatever your wife tells you. 'Yes, dear.' And breathe.

My faith helps me understand that circumstances don't dictate my happiness, my inner peace.

I'm from around Tennessee. I ran away when I was 12 years old and I ain't never looked back.

I think a role model is a mentor - someone you see on a daily basis, and you learn from them.

People tend to relax when they're off camera. That's when they should be working the hardest.

I've always seen it to be a privilege to make movies. It's a really expensive, creative medium.

There is nothing good or bad, except by comparison" (209) - "Effort is Everything" by Bud Selig

I'm not afraid to upset people. But I am not as upset because I understand what I'm up against.

My mother used to tell me man gives the award, God gives the reward. I don't need another plaque.

Meryl and Katharine Hepburn are probably the two greatest actresses of this and the last century.

Be careful what you ask for because when you pray for rain, you have to deal with the mud as well.

[Movie "Fences"] is more than holds up today. We have had a tremendous response at the screenings.

To protect the sheep, you gotta catch the wolf. And it takes a wolf to catch a wolf, you understand?

Talent comes from God. If you have been given some, then value it, cultivate it, work and develop it.

I'm not interested in being a celebrity; I'm interested in being a better actor and a better director.

I don't concern myself with award. I'd been to the party enough times to know it really didn't matter.

It could be that it's not that different. Circumstances, no matter what the color is, could be similar.

As the filmmaker, yes, I have to look out for everybody. But I don't have to know everybody's approach.

You don't have to kill somebody to play a murderer. You have to read the script and interpret the character.

I know, as an actor, I don't like sharing everything with the director. And it's fine if they don't with me.

When you don't understand something, you label it and condemn it" (94) - Danny Glover, "The Fundamental Things

We'll all retire from life at some point. The great thing about acting is you don't necessarily have to retire.

I still have my unemployment books and I remember when I worked for the sanitation department and the post office.

Acting, it's not my life, my children and my family, that's life. I'll get up every morning, God willing, for that.

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