Bad guys need love too.

There's racism everywhere.

I read the Bible every day.

I walk by faith, not by sight.

Say what you really want to say.

Growing up I didn't watch movies.

Put God first in everything you do.

Revenge is a meal best served cold.

In Los Angeles, everyone is a star.

I've worked with children all my life.

If you don't trust the pilot, don't go.

In any profession it gets to be a grind.

If you don't fail, you're not even trying.

Don't be afraid to fail big, to dream big.

It's important for us to tell our stories.

Come on, I know bad acting when I hear it.

The poorest people are the sweetest people.

If it ain't on a page, it ain't on a stage.

Luck is where opportunity meets preparation.

You will never see a U-Haul behind a hearse.

You can’t break me because you didn’t make me.

Thank God in advance for what's already yours.

A sociopath will do anything to win. Anything.

We live in a time when people give up too easy.

If you want to be a warrior, you have to train.

I believe in God. I don't fear man, I fear God.

It's not what you know, it's what you can prove.

Hate put me in prison. Love's gonna bust me out.

You never know how you're going to affect people.

Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do.

I'm not a film buff. I don't watch a lot of movies.

We do what we have to so we can do what we want to.

I get nervous when a picture goes beyond two hours.

I never tell anyone what to take away from a movie.

Got to be who you are in this world, no matter what.

Do what you gotta do so you can do what you wanna do.

Man gives you the award but God gives you the reward.

My ultimate life dream project is my kids. My family.

I never really had the classic struggle. I had faith.

[Fences] is just a great play to bring to the screen.

It's very important to transcend places that hold us.

Every failed experiment is one step closer to success.

For me, success is inner peace. That's a good day for me.

I've always felt protected. That's the God's honest truth.

I am not going to bury my son! My son is going to bury me!

Don't aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference.

I've been fortunate. I don't pick scripts. Scripts pick me.

The lessons I learned in Sunday School have kept me on track

Acting is just a way of making a living, the family is life.

One good thing about acting in film is that it's good therapy.

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